
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's taken a few days to collect my thoughts on this subject, but i think i've cooled down enough now to express my feelings:

On Sunday Night, during the Steelers/Browns game...Chris Hope (Steelers Safety) absolutely laid waste to Antonio Bryant. I mean, i thought he broke Antonio in half. it was THAT good of a hit. Ball pops loose, Steelers recover, the world is all right.

So Monday night, I'm sitting through Monday Night Countdown, eagerly anticipating JACKED UP. After 90 straight minutes of "wall-to-wall T.O." coverage, we finally get to JACKED UP...and no Steelers. How on god's green earth does that Steelers hit not make the top 5????? After making me sit through that much ESPN/TO, i deserve more than this.

Stewart Scott, that was NOT as cool as the other side of the pillow.