
Thursday, May 11, 2006

I spent the evening avoiding the monsoon that's raging outside. While i was surfing the internet, i came across this list. read's important


1. Squirrels are the spawn of Satan.
They live mysterious lives in the forests plotting against the rest of the world.

2. Squirrels cause millions dollars of damage to power transformers and lines every year.
They are one of the top causes of power outages and damage to very expensive equipment. They seem to be attracted to transformers and fly into them like Kamikaze pilots.

3. Squirrels have killed innocent citizens by causing car wrecks throughout the years.
How many times have innocent automobile drivers barely avoided running off the road trying to miss (or to hit) a squirrel taunting them in the middle of the road? Some are not so lucky and wreck due to these furry little beasts.

4. Squirrels do millions of dollars worth of home damage.
They are masters of break-ins destroying siding, vents, wires, etc. in the process.

5. Squirrels have no respect for privacy or property rights.
They move into attics and will not leave. They are not invited. An attic is not an oak tree, and they know this. They are too lazy to build their own homes so they try to take over someone else's. They move around in the attic at night scaring young kids and women.

6. Squirrels are notorious thieves, stealing food and property from other animals and people.
They are the most skilled thieves on the planet. They are despised by birds lovers They steal nuts from bird feeders and fruits from trees. When measures are taken to prevent them from getting the prize, they try that much harder.

7. Squirrels assault people's gardens all over the world causing millions of dollars in crop damage.
They get into people's gardens and destroy the vegetables, fruits, and flowers. They rarely even consume them, they just destroy them for the fun of it.

8. Squirrels caused the black death in Europe and currently carry numerous life threatening diseases including rabies and bubonic plague.
It is a historic fact that squirrels, as well as their brothers the rats, were one of the carriers of the black plague in the Middle Ages throughout Europe leading to the horrible end of millions.

9. Squirrels are the most reprehensible animals on the planet and will strike any other animal or human they come in contact with.
There are countless documented accounts of squirrel assaults. They antagonize people and are formidable foes. It is no accident that squirrels are portrayed in film as they are, insane little creatures that do not think anything of taking on people.

10. Squirrels terminate and castrate other squirrels.
Naturalists have discovered an alarming behavior among certain squirrels. A Male squirrel will invade the tree of an enemy squirrel and bite off the nuts of the young in the nest.