
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The band SKILLET stopped by the FM97 studios this morning for breakfast and an acoustic performance. It was very cool of them to come two hours out of their way to meet us today. We're one of the first stations to play their new song "the older i get" they wanted to stop by and say THANKS.

I wasn't kidding about having breakfast with the band! here's what it looks like when you get 20 SMILEY breakfasts from Eat-N-Park.

The band performs in our "intimate concert venue"...also known as the "conference room".

Then it was time to sign oodles of autographs for fans!

Finally, we rounded up the troops for the "group photo". oooh, we're sexy.

Left to right...

Aaron Price, Ben, Dennis Mitchell, Korey, John, Me, Lori and Damian Rhodes.