
Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Had enough snow yet? W.T.F???? I thought i got rid of this weather when i moved out of Erie. Not that I'm bitter, but i despise the snow. It was fun as a kid, it's not now...period. The most fun is getting the snow off the top of my Jeep. I've got a soft-top, so once I'm rolling down the road i punch the inside of the roof. Snow goes flying up in the air and the wind takes it right off. Probably upsets the guy behind me on the road, but it's mucho fun.

Speaking of mucho fun...have you heard this new song by Pitbull "TOMA"? we've been playing it for a little while on KISS, and i can't get enough of it! The beat makes me want to install a sub in my jeep. It thumps! I wonder what TOMA means? I should have paid attention during Spanish class. That's what i get for slacking.

Watched AMERICAN IDOL. one of my wife's friends told her that she looks like one of the we spent the whole hour trying to figure out who it was. Eventually, we figured out that it was Celene. She didn't look like my wife at all, except the hair. That was sorta' similar.

Now it's SEX AND THE CITY time. I never got into the show until recently, but it's damned good. I wouldn't sit around and watch it all weekend, but it's good "together" TV. You know...TOGETHER TV.. that's a show that both of you can stand to sit thru. BIKER BUILD-OFF is on at 10, so i KNOW she'll be bailing on the TV soon. haha.

email me sometime, you know the deal...