
Monday, March 27, 2006

Is there some strange rule in Harrisburg that says "you may not keep a GOOD beer on tap for more than 6 weeks in a row?" I went to Firehouse last week...asked for my usual beer (believe me, i'm there all the time...they KNOW my usual by now!). She says..."sorry...that's not available right now". i reply "?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!" Nope. No luck. thank god they still have Bud, Coors, Bud Light, Miller, etc...on tap. (note sarcasm).

So yesterday, we're over at Angelina's and i order a Stella, and of course "that's not available anymore". AHHHH!!!

OK, here's my simple plea. Will somebody please put Sam Adams Cherry Wheat on tap and KEEP IT ON TAP? Please? i'll drive half and hour just to get one. C'mon!


we thought of something tonight. You know how you smell others peoples cookng when you live in an apartment ? tonight, we came up with the term "other people's curry". WHy? Becasue, when i make curry...the place smells really good to us, but i'm sure it stinks for anyone else.'s silly. i'm silly. it's ok.