
Saturday, May 13, 2006

Two questions (actually it is "two" questions vs two questions)

Two Names You Go By: Hurley, Jeff
Two Parts of Your Heritage:English, Welsh
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:A beat up Abercrombie tshirt and my favorite ripped jeans
Two Things You Would Want in a Relationship:Fun, Honesty
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies:Playing online, cooking
Two Things You Want Really Badly At The Moment:Serenity and a warm muffin
Two pets you had/have: Georgie and Jasmine
Two people who will fill this out:me and someone else
Two things you did last night:played mini golf and ate at Isaacs
Two Favorite Places to eat: Isaacs and Tokyo Diner
Two things you ate today: A muffin
Two people you Last Talked To:1My wife and Jilly
Two Things You're doing tomorrow: Assembling a grill hopefully, and then cooking on it.
Two longest car rides:Panama City FL and Chattanooga, TN
Two Favorite Holidays:1. 4th of July and Veteran's Day (my birthday!)