
Sunday, July 30, 2006

It was a beautiful sunny weekend, so we rounded up the troops and headed to the cabin! We ducked out for a few hours and saw the sights at the TROY FAIR. ellie has never been there before, so it was a bit of culture shock for her. haha.

James was in charge of tidying up the shoreline. Note to all environmentalists...the beer can in the water was safely retrieved. the fish enjoy when we accidentally get beer in the lake... Also, notice how NICE the shoreline looks. yeah...admire that.... i spent most of the day friday shoveling two truckloads of gravel down there to create the "beach".

A complete side-note here. I firmly believe that my dad is one of the toughest men alive. Now, dad is 73 years old, so he's no spring chicken. Last week, he almost cut off his big toe with the lawnmower. Allow me to repeat that...he damn near CUT OFF HIS TOE WITH A LAWNMOWER. If I had done that...i would have cried like a little girl and sat on my butt for 2 weeks while i was sucking down Vicatin. my dad simply wrapped up the injured toe in gauze and duct tape...and CONTINUED WORKING FOR ANOTHER HOUR before my mom MADE him go to the ER where they fixed him up. The toe was badly cut up and for the next week he recovered by WORKING IN THE YARD ON HIS FEET FOR 8 HOURS A DAY...FOR A WHOLE WEEK and helped repaint my grandmothers house. Dad is a tough S.O.B.

He also helped shovel all that gravel.

OK, back to the party...

We broke out the horseshoes. You KNOW how seriously i take my horseshoes. Notice Reeder's excellent form.

MMM....nothing like a few dozen fresh clams for dinner. yum The flags just make it THAT much more festive.

During this meal, Sketch looks up and says "did i just see a naked guy go running across the dock???" we all laughed, until we realized he wasn't kidding. one of our neighbors had been "de-panted" and was sprinting across the dock to get back in the water, thus exposing his naked manly-ness to everyone on the shore. This was at 1:00 pm. When someone is naked at 1 in the afternoon, you can be sure that you're at a "good" party.

Since it's 90 degrees and we're at the lake...that means we HAVE to swim! James, Sketch and I hit the water and cooled off (that's me, arms in the air) Despite the ongoing theme of nakedness...we avoided the catcalls and temptations of the neighbors and kept our swimsuits in the "ON position"

NOTE: un-opened cans of beer will safely float. So Reeder sat on shore and tossed then out to us so we wouldn't have to paddle back in. He looked like the old guy at the park feeding ducks with breadcrumbs. he'd toss a beer into the water, and the three of us would scramble and fight over them. He would just laugh. Once we all got back to the floating dock, he'd throw another beer in the lake, and off we'd go again.

Later on, Sketch went to shore and decided to throw beers at James and I. However, he wasn't quite as gentle, and proceeded to pummel the dock with up-opended beer cans (which causes them to expolde on impact). James and I were diving for cover every time he chucked one at us.
After i got to shore, i found some old golf balls, so i started chucking them at Sketch and James. Yes...we're very mature.

Ellie and I out in front of the cabin, enjoying the sun! (FYI: at this point, i haven't showered since Thursday. I don't think swimming in the lake qulaifies as a "bath". I'm AMAZED she'd stand near me.) No, i don't have a mullet. all my hair is tucked back under my's a Psuedo-mullet.

James did a nice job tidying up the lake, so we put him in charge of pancakes. I tell ya, when we go to the cabin, we eat very well!

Ladies and gentlemen...your IRON CHEF SKETCH prepares sausage and scrapple for breakfast. Is there another meat-product as disgusting as scrapple? the answer is NO. Grey is an unacceptable color for ANY meat....

James takes the broom and "de-spiders" the porch. God forbid we have any spiders out there, or people will freak out. Also, i almost melted the "all american" tablecloth when i set the coffee pot on it. whoops. luckily, i caught it in time...

Everyone smiles for the camera before we all packed up and headed back to reality.