
Sunday, August 13, 2006

Here's a new batch of photos from our housewarming party.

Me and my new best friend. This is my beer fridge. I think it's about 40 years old. It weighs as much as a 1978 Buick. It uses genuine 1960's technology and freon to cool beer to -120 celcius. we actually turned a case of Sam Adams into Cherry Wheat Slushies because we had it turned up too high. yes, the interior is pink. it's an absolute beast. i love it.

Jilly can't even look directy at it, she's overwhlemed by the sheer majesty of the beer fridge.

Sketch and Coley cozy up

Another action-shot from our beer pong game. notice the delicate arc of the pink ping-pong ball as it gracefully flies towards the cup.