
Monday, August 07, 2006

It's been ages since i did a MYSPCE survey, so here ya go

Where did you take your default photo?
It's from a photo shoot we took in Erie. I just got bored and made it colorful. it was actually taken on Dobbins Landing on the bay.

Who are the first & second person on your top 8?
Ellie and Tara

What exactly are you wearing right now?
tshirt and cargo pants. and socks...MATCHING socks.

What is your current problem?
It's too damned hot in here, but AC is really expensive...i just got my electric bill from last month.

What makes you most happy?
Chocolate Chip Muffins

If you could go back in time, and change something, what would it be?
I'd take photos of my mid 20's. it was a ridulously fun time, and i have no proof that ANY of it happened. well, i do have that rash, but that doesn't really count.

Ever have a near death experience?
Define "near". i knocked myself unconscious on a concrete wall once.

Name an obvious quality you have.
My humble nature...oh, and rugged good looks. and raw sex appeal, that too.

What's the name of the song that you're listening To?
Last song i heard was "Tears Don't Fall" by Bullet for my Valentine. it's my profile song

Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Leonardo Di Caprio. i haven't seen him since that day, when we gurlged and belched in the same maternity ward.

Do you have a crush on someone?

Do they know that you like them?
we're married, she has a clue

Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
Roadrunner and Coyote is NOT a kids show.

Are you comfortable with your height?
do i have a choice?

Do you speak any other languages?
Fluent Redneck-Northern Pennsylvania Dialect

Have you ever ridden in a Hummer limo?
I hate Hummers... really. just buy a sign that says "i have a small penis and low self esteem"

Has anyone really close to you passed away?
When i was younger.

Do you ever watch MTV?
No, i like videos.

What's something that really annoys you?

Chapter 1: You

Middle Name: Danger
Nickname(s): Hurley
Current location: The couch...right side towards the coffee table.
Hair length: CUrrently "Chia Pet" headed for "Ace from American Idol"
Eye color: Brown

Chapter 2: The Background

Do you live with your parents: No
Do you get along with your parents: Yep...they visit all the time
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: Married
Do you have any siblings?: No. i'm an original
What pets do you have?: Two matching black cats

Chapter 3: Favorite

Ice cream flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Season: Fall
Color: Black
Class: I prefer upper-middle class...but i'm not there.

Chapter 4: Do You..

Sing in the shower: Yes....seeing myself naked causes me to break out into song
Write memos on your hand?: No, i've found it's easier to forget and make excuses
Wear glasses or contacts?: Contacts in ONE eye (funny story about that...)

Chapter 5: Have You Ever..

Worn braces?: You're not born with teeth like this! OK..maybe YOU were, but no met.
Broken a bone? Several...although no real Major bones. mostly little ones in feet and hands and wrists and fingers and...
Had stitches?: can you beleive, NO.
Shoplifted? The statute of limitations has not yet passed for that.
Taken painkillers?: Tylenol. I had Valium for surgery once, but don't remember it.
Gone SCUBA diving?: No
Been stung by a jellyfish?: no
Been stung by a bee?: yes, and then i crushed him
Slept with your contacts in overnight?: Only after a night of yes.
Thrown up in a restaurant?:Sledgehammers isn't a's a CLUB
Been to overnight camp?: yes, i regularly attended Church Camp as a kid. (insert your joke here)
Sworn in front of your parents?: Barely
Had detention?: Regularly...because i was always late for school. Is it MY fault the golf course couldn't get me an earlier tee-time?
Been sent to the principal's office?: Once or twice.

Chapter 6: Who/What was the last..

Person to call you?:Ellie
Person you hugged?:Ellie
Person you tackled?: I should have tackled someone during our horseshoes game
Thing you touched?: my computer keyboard
Thing you ate?: Seared Tuna and Rice
Thing you drank?: Yuengling Black and Tan
Thing you said?: Fuck You Jilly