
Friday, March 07, 2008

did u ever get to the end of the week and wonder "what the hell did i do"?

my brain back is sore and my liver is quivering softly as it attempts to balance the influx of red bull and coffee. so i'm trying to remember how i got here....

this week i...

- went to the Village and introduced the Pink Spiders, then laughed my ass off with silly co-workers and friends. followed the party over to 915 where i enjoyed a wonderful Pale Ale before retiring to my casa and falling asleep.

- laundry. not all of it. just the jeans and some sheets. thank god i own a lot of socks.

- contemplated the musical wonders of Wu-Tang and The Spill Canvas in separate conversations.

- hit the gym and had an unusual discussion with a guy who thought i played baseball for Mansfield University. i was confused. even tho i 'm in pretty good shape..160 pound catchers don't get to play baseball at D2 colleges with respected baseball programs.

- scrounged for dinner because i was too lazy to shop for groceries on tuesday night . settled on leftover turkey and a powerbar

- made an appointment to get my taxes done. have been holding my breath ever since. i have no idea if i'm gonna get a rebate or owe thousands.

- attended the lavish VIP party at the Chameleon Club. Laughed my asssss off with Dennis and many others. (mostly with Dennis tho, because he was drunk). made some new friends and reconnected with a few from the past. kudos to holly and nick.

- kicked back at the after-party and watched the chaos while sipping a red bull. (seriously, that stuff tastes far too good.)

- pounded my head off the computer monitor because i couldn't get a batch of HTML to mesh into the Clear Channel template for our website.

- felt good to be a gangsta'

- went grocery shopping. then forgot to grab my lunch the next day and had to go back to the store at lunchtime and buy more food.

- took the first step towards my goal of "becoming a regular caller to Andrew Siciliano's show on Fox Sports Radio". Used my 45 seconds of airtime to verbally destroy some guy named Tony in LA and make the point that Brett Favre's career is more than titles and stats.

- got great numbers from cinci. did a lil' happy dance

- stopped for gas three times. 3.16 a gallon + 18 MPG + 72 miles of commuting every day = angry me

- bowled a nice solid 157 before completely forgetting how to bowl and throwing 2 of the worst games of the season.

- watched Rob throw 14 strikes in a row over the course of 2 games. he ended with a 266. wow. it was only funnier because T-Bone ALSO rolled a 266. this means we have to cut the trophy in half. it seems fate is not without a certain sense of irony (name the movie...c'mon! it's a quote).

- piled up my junk mail by the door, but elected to leave it sitting on the floor until saturday.

- f'ed up my whole schedule because a blizzard was crashing into Cinci and Rochester, so i needed to get my shows in supa-early. ended up throwing my headphones at least once because i couldn't seem to say "Chris Brown" clearly. got all the shows done. Then realized that it was nice outside in Lancaster. After talking about snow non-stop for hours, i was thinking that we had a blizzard too. viva la' voicetracking!

- remembered that i hadn't turned on the dryer on tuesday....ran down and did that before my pants and sheets got moldy.

- cracked up because Token has a bass guitar in his basement.

- discussed politics and the trade-off between taxation and services, and the effect of taxation on the buying habits of americans.

- discussed tattoos and my lack of ink

- cackled like a maniac while running around the office with 13 pair of Jonas Brothers tickets in my hand.

- played Kanye for some kid in rochester who bitched because i didn't play it before.

- fell in love with the color red. it's just a cool color.

- set up a couple of cool promotions for the station. launched a new web feature. wanted to scream because i couldn't figure out how to explain a simple concept. drank 3 of the pepsis in my office fridge. kept 2 days ahead on music logs. said "whatever" and added what i liked.

- blared "Rock Supastar" by Cypress Hill to drown out a co-workers loud phone conversation.

- woke up with a fat black cat staring at me from on top of my headboard.

- fed cat

- Watched Paddy get his skull cracked by an animated dinsoaur.

- Debated the merits of a 2 hour golf meeting. Erred on the side of caution and didn't take a 2 hour golf meeting despite an overwhelming desire to do it.

- watched as 26 tickets and one camera came together in a moment of photographic glory.

- overslept at least once. and worked late twice.

- posted a poll on my website that allowed listeners to pick my hat.

- got home friday. blew off the gym and relaxed.