
Monday, March 07, 2005

grrr....did a great Blog, and then my computer dumped it. this is what i get for downloading too much asian porn. (side note: that's what i blame EVERY computer problem on, i'm not really downloading asian porn at the office).

So i heard NBC promoting their new reality show as a "human drama". good call, i'm sick of the words REALITY SHOW. there's certain phrases that make me cringe:

" reality show"
" hilton was quoted as saying"
"...honey, the guys from work are on the phone"
", your jeep is making a funny noise"

just a few things that make me cringe.

So, how was your weekend? We finally got out and walked! Went about 3 miles around downtown and city island on sunday. felt so good to be outside after being cooped up in the house that last couple of weeks.

Did i mention that i'm a metro-sexual? My wife let me loose in Kohl's yesterday. Mistake. I even got a new video game (Pitfall! boo-yah!)

Now it's like the first day of school...i busted out all the new clothes today. it's back to being a scrub tomorrow, but i feel like a king today!

email me if you're reading this, it's the least you can do.
