
Saturday, March 05, 2005

Ahhhh...what a relaxing Saturday. I was thinking about meeting Sketch and James for a run to Cabela's, but it didn't happen. Instead, i ended up hanging with Mendez and his dad at Damon's. Had a cheeseburger and a couple beers, then it was naptime. note: naptime was AFTER i got home, if u nap at Damon's, they'll toss you out.

Looking forward to a nice walk along the river tomorrow. we still don't have our bikes ready to go. once we do, youll see us all over the bike trails!

Speaking of bikes, i spent half the morning watching BIKER BUILD-OFF on Discovery Channel and surfing online for motorcycle parts. I want a new bike, but probably won't get one for another year or two. Once you get married, you suddenly have to save my money for other things (i.e. A HOUSE!). This is the worst time of year for motorcycles, because it's still too cold to ride, but it looks warm outside. Some guys are really hardcore and will be out riding this weekend, but i'll wait til it's a little warmer.

Did i mention that it's almost spring? The cats are going crazy already. last night, they climbed up on the washing machine and turned it on. I got woke up at 5am by the spin cycle....grrrr