
Wednesday, March 02, 2005

My wife already knows this...but i'd addicted to the Internet. This BLOG is the worst thing that could have happened to me. I expect my productivity at work to drop off..a lot. It seems so quiet today... All week we've had snowstorms-of-doom blowing through, and now it's just cold. When there's a storm, it gets crazy here at the station, becasue of all the closings and cancellations. Much more calm today...ahhhh, feel the zen.

Speaking of the internet, i need to upload more photos to the blog. We've got a batch on our digital camera. Stupid stuff, really. I didn't promise this web page would be full of Nobel-prize-winning thoughts and commentary. Mostly just random stuff that's too stupid for me to say on the radio. I'll dig around and see if i can't find another cool photo or two. Maybe a photo of my cats? hmmm

as always...shoot me an email if you're reading this... i'll post yer' stuff, just email it to me. recipes, photos, whatever. entertain me at i've got email in the studio, so i'll get it ASAP.