
Thursday, March 03, 2005

Got our taxes done tonight. It's the worst thing, because you're HOPNG that you get $3000 in refunds, but you usually get a lot less, if any. I told my friends that i would either be VERY happy tomorrow or VERY angry, depending how much we got back. As it turns out, I'm pretty happy. I won't be buying a new Benz, but the credit card is gonna get paid. If VISA is happy, I'm happy.

Noticed that WILD THINGS 3 is on TV tonight. 3??? When did this happen???? I didn't even realize there was a WILD THINGS 2! The original is still the best. Denise Richards in an Oscar worthy performance...can't believe the Academy snubbed her. She IS single again...maybe there's hope for WILD THINGS 4.

Tomorrow night is Happy Hour. This is a new thing for me. For some reason, we got hooked on Happy Hour when we moved to H-burg. We never did this in Erie, but we do it every week now! The girls at Kokomo's probably know us by name. Poor Kelly had to put up with us last week. I'm sure she'll take Friday night off this week so she doesn't have to deal with us. It's Matt Steal's fault! He got a new camera phone, and had to try it out. there's probably a few blackmail pictures from last friday night. haha.