
Sunday, May 28, 2006

Even though i'm under the weather i managed to head out in the jeep for fresh air and to grab some dinner. I'm gonna start a campaign for Boston Market to install a drive-thru at their location on 22. That would really improved my quality of life. The people in line in front of me had screaming children. a congested head + screaming children = me disliking the children. if i could drive thru, i wouldn't have to listen to the screaming.

Also, as i pulled into the parking lot, a church group was out front protesting the DaVinci Code. I thought that was unusual, until i realized that the movie theater was next door to Boston Market. Once i figured out what they were doing, i was inspired to drive my jeep headlong through their group. that way, they wouldn't have to live in a world where Davinci Code is one of the biggest movies of the year. but calmer heads prevailed.

sigh. i feel so bad for the children who were protesting. they're not even old enough to see the movie...but mom and dad can stick 'em out there with a sign. Of course, i'm SURE they've all read the book...oh wait..probably not... it's actually a good read and leaves lots of room for interpretation. If i was religous, i think that book might have made my faith stronger...but hell, what do i know.... it's a book and a half-assed movie people! luckily, i was on a mission, and once i got my 1/2 chicken and cornbread, i stopped caring.

do me a favor...go protest something that matters. for instance....can we protest the fact that the streetlight in front of my house was burned out for over a year? that's an issue that affects me. or protest the fact that Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan get more time on the news than the Iraq War. or that david spade is STILL on television! didnt "just shoot me" teach us anything??? I expect they'll turn that stiff into a movie in 10 years.

luckily, i have a double order of Boston Market cornbread....and if THAT"s not the key to happiness, i dont know what is..