
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Georgie is none too happy with us now. We have to get her medicine twice a day. As you can see....she REALLY likes it. haha. Oh well, at least it's nothing serious.

Two weeks ago, we repainted the whole basement. After i stood back and looked at, i realized that the floor looked terrible. It was fine before, but after we painted the whole just didn't look as good.

So i headed back to the Home Depot paint dept and ordered up ANOTHER gallon of paint. (they honestly know my name there...)

I moved all the junk out and mopped up the coffee stains and dust.

Here's the BEFORE photo:

I slid around the corners and painted all the edges first....

And here's the AFTER picture! WE now have a lovely sand-colored basement floor. Very nice. It's hard to see a huge difference in the photos...but in real life...WOW. What a huge difference.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I took this week off. so. like any sane person, i spent the entire week re-doing my basement. It's started as a "wood paneled 1970's rec room". and it ended as a "white paneled 2007 rec room".

Here's BEFORE..

More before....including the famous "beer fridge".

Ellie cleaned out the fridge. I didn't realize that we had THIS many condiments! wow.

Mom and Dad pitched in this week too. When you paint wood paneling, you need to paint EVERY stripe to make it white. this took all day wednesday.

While we were working, the heater gave out. we got the tank filled (someone forgot to check the fuel gauge). and it started working again. then, later that night it died AGAIN! half a day and 100 dollars later, the heat was restored. ugh.

Since it was cold without heat, Georgie decided to rest her head on the flourescent light! this can't be safe OR healthy. at least she'll have a nice tan.

Bundled up staying warm, and painting...and painting..

Two days and 6 gallons later...the final peice of masking tape comes down!

Pretty stairs...ooooooohh.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Enjoying my week off. Slept in today....but not by choice. Georgie woke me up at about 3:30am by puking on my pillow. yes, you read correctly. my cat threw up on my pillow. luckily, she missed my head, but it still wasn't the nicest way to wake up. ugh. so i had to get up, change pillows and then try to get back to sleep. didn't fall back asleep until about 5am. ahh, the joys of cat ownership.

spent the rest of the day running errands and working in my basement. i'm trying to get the wood shop in order, but it's taking a while. i keep getting distracted. i'm too A.D.D.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Rob Wilber and i grabbed lunch today at Damon's. Nothing better than kicking back a cold beer and eating a cheeseburger while watching football and bowling. haha. i also figured out why guys like pro bowling.

One of the players had an off game, and only scored 183. Now, i'm not a great bowler...but i can score 183 on a good day. There's no way my best golf game could ever beat Tiger best fastball can't strike out Derek Jeter (maybe i could strike out A-Rod, but who can't?). But i could have conceivably have beaten this pro bowler. What a great sport. Everyone loves a democracy.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Sorry for the lack of updates. had some computer problems here at work, and this is where i usually do my updating.

Just a quick there anything better than Fiery Habanero Doritos? no, there isn't. I just downed a bag of them with lunch. there's a happy fire in my mouth right now. yum.


Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year! After ellie finished up at work sunday night, we piled into the car and headed for Wind Gap for some new years poker and partying. Mental note, do NOT allow me to open bottles of champagne, unless you want your jeans and couch to be soaked.

Sketch celebrates another Happy New Beer!

Everyone is gathered around the table for some poker.

James and Sketch made a resolution to be "more gangsta" in 2007. nice job fellas'.

Here's my first winnings. Notice all the 100 dollar chips. too bad we weren't playing for money.

My pile has grown a lot! A few big hands and some healthy wagering!

And here i am after winning ALL THE CHIPS! yeah! first time i've ever done that. the moral of this story? get to the party late and let all the other players get drunk before you start playing.

happy 2007!