
Sunday, June 22, 2008

On Friday i finally gave in and had my three wisdom teeth removed. No, i don't have four..i had three because i'm special. get over it.

i dreaded it....because i hate going to the dentist. i suppose all those years with braces when i was young scarred me for life. i bitch and complain every 6 months when i have to go for my cleaning. i just don't enjoy it. sorry.

so i went in and hooked up the IV. made some witty small-talk with the nurses (seriously, WHO puts their dentist office next to a graveyard??? c'mon!). 20 minutes later, the teeth are out and i'm in la-la land.

My parents dragged my half-unconscious ass into the car and took me to Rite-Aid for my prescrition. I don't remember any of this, but i know i was there....because i have the receipts.

Slept for the next 4 hours...woke up... OW OW OW....took a vicodin...YAY! back to sleep... another 4 hours...OW OW OW...vicodin....zzzzzzz. this cycle repeated all day.

My parents spent the afternoon tidying up my flower beds and pulling weeds. Very nice of them. They got to enjoy a nice dinner, while i sucked down yogurt and gatorade. i took them to my favorite sub shop...which sucked because it smelled SOOOO good...and i couldn't eat anything. ugh.

On saturday...i popped a pill and we hopped into the truck to pick up some bark for the flower beds. I'm not allowed to lift or do anything i just bossed everyone around. :) i'm sure the neighbors were alarmed, since my parents were doing all the heavy lifting, and i just stood there.

While they pushed the bark around, i tore up the landscape lights and fixed all of them (no lifting involved). Installed the new timer and got them all back in place. So now i have nice looking landscaping AND working lights. the neighbors hate me, since my yard looks better now. hahahaha!

all this work in the yard kept me from notcing my teeth. when we sat down on the patio for a drink (more gatorade), i suddenly remembered that they hurt a little. ow. but not too bad...whew.

My parents headed out, and i finished working on the new "patio lounge". now i've got a cool little spot to chill out in my backyard. very relaxing. since i have wireless internet, i can also sit out there and be online. pretty sweet.

anyway...woke up today and only have a minor little pain. so i think the teeth are healing normally. hopefully i can eat something a little more substantial later today and tomorrow. i sipped my sunday morning coffee like normal.

here's the lessons i've learned:

1). wisdom teeth extraction sucks for a few hours, but you don't realize it since you're drugged up.

2). my yard looks better than my neighbors.

3). getting teeth extracted is a viable excuse to lounge around while other people do the heavy lifting.