
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

- So glad to be back in good health. I got knocked down by this bug that's going around. Sore throat, coughing, sneezing, blah. It took a lot out of me. FInally got back into the flow of things this weekend. whew. hopefully that's the last big flu/cold bug for the spring

- Obama will pre-empt American Idol tonite for a speech. I KNEW i voted for him for a reason. haha

- Went back to the gym last night after two weeks off. I managed to maintain my usual weight so that was good. But wow...2 weeks of being sick saps the energy. i did a light workout and was panting and wheezing afterwards. gotta try and stay healthy from now on!

- It was really nice on Sunday so i got a lot of yardwork done. I had a pile of leaves that i needed to get rid of, so i dumped 'em behind the shed. Hopefully it gets really windy and they "disappear". Planted a ton of flowers too. In 14-21 days i should see the seedlings sprout from the least that's what the packets told me. I've never used seeds before for planting, so this is a new adventure in lawn care. I really hope most of them take, because i need some color in the backyard.

- ever have one of those weeks at work where you feel like you're in a Dilbert cartoon? We got some new stuff from our corporate offices last week. My boss and I just had to laugh and say "ok". It's gonna work out great, but it was totally unexpected. Sometimes it's best to just nod your head and smile.

- i am 100% completely addicted to Cadbury Mini Eggs. Once Easter is over i will stock up on 10 bags, at least. I gotta make it through the year until they go on sale next easter

- I'm searching for someone new to cut my hair. Rusty found true love and moved away to be with the person he now i need someone else to cut my hair. It's like dating someone new. You have no idea what to expect. Ugh.

- I spotted the first Daffodil of spring this weekend. Finally!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I meant to update this more regularly than once a week. But it didn't happen this week. was almost 70 outside this weekend. Did you expect to spend 30 minutes in front of a computer screen when it's that nice outside? hardly.

This will be a shorter post than normal. I'm battling a cold bug and feel pretty drained. My mind isn't spinning at full speed today. The gerbil isn't completely off the wheel, but he's hanging on the side of it while it spins slowly.

Watched Russell Brand on Comedy Central this weekend. His MTV Awards show performance last year was horrid, but my god is he funny doing stand-up. If you don't like dry humor, skip him. I've always thought stand-up would be a really fun challenge. I'm not sure i'm committed enough to write a full 15-30 minutes of material, but i'd like to try. No worry about me hopping up in front of a crowd with a mic, i do that every day and all the time at events. I just need to corral my ADD brain and put together a routine. I need to add that to my 2009 bucket list.

Actually..i need to WRITE my 2009 bucket list first. Let's see:

- Fix my Wrangler so i can drive topless this summer

- write stand-up routine

- use every vacation day i have coming

- Convince Alex to let me do one weekend airshift on 96.1 KISS in Pittsburgh, and Laura to let me do one weekend airshift on B104 in Allentown. That way, i'll have been on the air in every major radio market in Pennsylvania.

- paint kitchen

- spend a full week at the cottage and finally get the dock built

- insulate, rewire and renovate the loft and move my master bedroom up there.

- take my parents sightseeing in DC or Philly for the day

- add one more station to my roster

- Open a Roth IRA and complete my retirement plan, so i'm not just relying on my 401K.

- paint the carport

- learn to make Coconut Shrimp and dipping sauce like they serve at Red Lobster

That's good. If i think of anything else, i can add it later.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Randoms 3.3.09

- I promise i will only make one posting about my new car. Let me briefly say that it is absolutely-freakin-awesome-super-spectacular-crazygood-amazing. Traction-control is a godsend. We got about 6 inches of snow yesterday and i had no problem getting to work and home afterwards. Although i DID stall once in the parking lot. that had nothing to do with traction control, and everything to do with me putting the car into 3rd gear instead of 1st while i was playing with the CD player.

- I don't think i slept this past weekend. On Friday night THRIVING IVORY put on an amazing show at the Chameleon. Thanks to everyone who came. We grabbed dinner with the guys beforehand. They're very nice and were excited for the show. Watched the whole show, said thanks to the band and headed home. Had to be back at the station in less than 11 hours to get ready for the David Archuleta meet-n-greet on Saturday, so it was a quick turnaround for me

- Speaking of dinner...i gotta recommend the Tuna Wrap at Alley Katz. It's not tuna's actual seared tuna with wasabi dressing. It tastes like a sushi wrap. i highly recommend it. I'd never been to that restaurant before, but i went there twice this weekend. I pick my restaurants by "proximity to the event i'm hosting". There's many restaurant i love, but if i'm doing a chameleon show i end up at either House of Pizza, Seniorita Burrito, the Belevdere, Arts Hotel or now Alley Katz. I should investigate that area more..i'm sure there's other stuff on some of the side streets.

- Our event with David Archuleta was equally exciting and fun. You never know what to expect from these stars when they come to visit the station. Luckily he was very genuine and nice. I think he's the most A.D.D. person i've ever met too. He kept getting distracted by posters and things in the studio. David Cook could have knocked him out of Idol weeks earlier if he'd just thrown some shiny nickels on stage while Archie was performing. Nice kid though, i wish him nothing but success. Pics? they're up at, or in my "famous people 2" album on facebook.

- Three weeks ago i was sick of winter. Now i'm waaaay over the edge. If i could go on a murderous rampage against winter, i would. OK, we get it...snow, cold, wind, etc.... bring on the damned spring already.

-Luckily there are a few signs that spring is around the corner. While i was out for a walk in Harrisburg's Riverfront park this weekend i noticed some Daffodils starting to pop through the ground in the "sunken garden". A couple of weeks and those will be blooming. I wonder how my daffodils will do this year? I got mixed results last year, but they always do better the 2nd year after you plant them.

- When i try to email Bryan Jordan from the Morning Rush, my email always defaults to JORDAN from KISS in Cincinnati. Whoops. i keep sending him updates and stuff for the morning show.

- I wish i read more books.

- I had nothing but the lowest expectations for Jimmy Fallon this week as he replaced Conan O'Brien. Somehow, he managed to disappoint me...and i was expecting the worst. The only saving grace was Justin Timberlake and the Roots, who both made the show watchable. EVERYONE seems to think Jimmy is a bad idea, so why do these high-ranking officials at NBC think "no...he'll be great!". How many drugs are they snorting to think that Jimmy is funny and improvisational like a great late-night host needs to be? Jimmy's schtick is to laugh at his own jokes. wow. that's a FAIL. Do yourself a favor....go watch the AMAZING David Letterman this week, and then go watch Jimmy. It's like watching Michealangelo paint followed by watching a monkey flinging poo at the canvas.

- my friend's best quote of the week: "i'd rather watch my own mother take a shower than watch Jimmy Fallon".

- I'm entering a very tough period in my life. The guy who cuts my hair left this week, so i'm on the hunt for a new place to get my hair cut. Ideas? it's like dating someone new after you've been with someone else for a long time. I never figured out how he did it, but my old guy made my hair look very full. Wow. that's a feat! I'll probably go into a hair care funk and neglect my hair until it's a tangled mess. If you see me wearing hats to work everyday please pull me aside and tell me to get a haircut

- still winter?'s still winter

- I've noticed that i'm not getting many of the "work from home and make 10,000 dollars" ads on the side of facebook now. I've moved on to "learn the trick to whiter teeth". hmmmm....first they insulted my income, now they're saying my teeth are yellow. Thanks facebook...way to build me up!

- My friend James was coming down on Monday and we were gonna grab beer and wings at Hooters. Unfortunately, it snowed like crazy and we postponed his visit. Yep...the snow caused me to miss out on Hooters. just another reason i hate winter.

-Looking forward to jetting down to Philly tomorrow night for a new artist showcase. Should be fun. Plus...there's free Italian food. If you invited me to my own beating, but offered free italian food..i'd still probably show up. Luckily, this is a bunch of industry friends and a great new artist...i will also enjoy the breadsticks.

- Hitting the gym tonight. I managed to get there on saturday morning for about 45 minutes before David Archuleta madness. It's packed on saturdays though. I much prefer to go in the evenings during the week. No waiting, no lines... less eye candy too, but at least i dont have to wait for some guy to do his 5 sets before i can use the bench.

- Random shout-out to Lesley Roy, Joe Daddio, Hooters and Springtime.

# of PRETZEL Goldfish crackers i've eaten while typing this: approx 60
# of PARMESAN Goldfish crackers i've eaten while typing this: 0

note to Giant. Stock up on PARMESAN were OUT when i shopped this week.