
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Randoms 3.14.09

- sent out my final tax form today. this is the worst one, since i have to include a check. Damned local taxes. Can i at least select the potholes that i would like them to fill?

- Do yourself a favor...never look at the nutritional value on the Microwave TV dinner. This little pile of Salisbury Steak and Mac&Cheese is providing 83% of my daily fat requirement and 78% of my daily Sodium intake. ugh.

- I'm disappointed that you can no longer see my tire tracks on the median at the Mt Joy interchange on Rt283. For the last few weeks i've been able to relive my harrowing trip down the median every time i drove past it. Now the grass has grown back and you can't see them as well.

- Seriously...this salisbury steak is sooooo tasty. it's worth the 83 percent of my daily fat intake.

- Dad's return home was delayed by a day. They wanted to check one more small thing and felt it was best if he stayed another night. Nothing major.

- Spent about 20 minutes on the phone with someone who was upset at the content of music and TV in modern society. I agree that society is coarser than 20 years ago. But i think that's almost always the case. Each generation one-ups the generation prior. It moves even faster today with so many delivery systems and ways to interact.'s one thing to disagree about song lyrics and content...but entirely another matter to assume that my music is causing teens to have babies out of wedlock. I wouldnt think that "poker face" or "you found me" would be a good sex song anyway. If you conceive a baby while listening to Fergie, we need to talk. there's just something wrong with that.

- Springtime is taking it's sweet time getting here. I planted seeds 3 weeks ago and there's still nothing. A little warmth and heat would be a good thing. Supposedly it'll be nice on thursday. i'll believe it when i see it.

- random advice pulled from Facebook: "never go to a doctor who's got dead plants in his lobby"

- Tuesday is my least productive day because i spend most of the day in meetings. Shouldn't it be the other way?

- my buddy is working on his house, and i feel like it should inspire me to get off my butt and finally paint my kitchen. It hasn't...yet

- last week i learned a few things, and those things continue to frustrate me to no end. Truthfully, there's nothing that can be done about them at this time. I guess it just hits one of my hot buttons. I know you're not supposed to sweat things you can't control. but that's the problem. I feel like i SHOULD be in control of this. Dont' ask what it is, It's not something that i'm willing to discuss. For now it'll serve as motivation until i can do something about it.

- Did you know that TALAPIA is pronounced "tuh-la-pee-uh?" i always thought it was tuh-LAY-pee-uh. i learned something new today. FYI: it's a fish.

- you know what bothers me? POP edits of songs. This past year, there's been so many edits of songs that completely change the song. LOVE STORY from Taylor Swift is an amazing song in it's original form. The pop edit sounds like a bad kareoke version with an out of place dance beat. If people are buying millions and millions of copies of the original, wouldn't they expect to hear the same version when we play it? i think so. i can understand small edits for content or length....but do we really think listeners aren't comfortable with a bit of twang, or some rap in the middle of a song? We overthink these things sometimes...just play the freakin' record. it's either a hit or not. a new mix with lower guitars or a tacked-on cameo rap appearance is just silly. Do you know anyone who says "wow..i LOVE this song! but i completely change the station the minute that little guitar part plays in the chorus"?

- ok, to completely rebuff my last argument... i loved when they remixed that J LO song and changed everything and added Ja Rule to it. That was fun.

- RIP Harry Kalas. We've lost too many of the great sports announcers in recent years. Nobody can truly be the voice of the Phillies the way he was. Just like Myron Cope was the "voice" of the Steelers. It still seems weird to listen to Bill and Tunch call games without Myron. I can't imagine what it'll be like this year listening to Phillies games without Harry's voice. You never replace these guys, because they're too unique to be hired today. Enjoy the great ones while they're here....Ernie Harwell still fills in occasionally for Tigers games. The amazing Vin Scully makes it worth staying up late to catch a Dodgers game online.

- as a true radio geek, there is nothing better than listening to a baseball game on the radio on a warm summer evening. i can crank up the little AM tube radio in my office and catch games in lots of markets. Doesnt' even matter if i'm rooting for the team.

- i got a nice little easter basket from Kelly's mom and dad. It contained a bottle of wine, some coffee and lottery tickets. Wow....supporting all THREE of my favorite vices!

- number of times i got too bitchy/preachy in today's posting: 2
- number of salisbury steak patties i ate while writing this: 2