
Monday, February 28, 2005

I've got this whole blog figured out...Now i can post pictures (obviously). I'll have to start a section called "people who listen to my show", just so i can put their photos up.

It's a good night for blogging, since we're all stuck inside and there's about 8 inches of snow outside. I mentioned that "everyone goes shopping for eggs, milk and bread when there's a storm." It's SO TRUE! What can you make with eggs, milk and bread? Yep..French Toast (or Freedom Toast if you're my dad!). Why do we need French Toast when it snows?

Also, American Idol was on tonight...just the guys singing, no girls. Wow...the rocker-guy at the end was great! He'll never win this thing, but i'd pay 10 bucks to see him sing at some little dive-bar. My wife and her friend were texting back and forth thru the whole show. I was laughing, until Jason from the Morning Mess started IM'ing me about the show. I realized I'm just as bad as her.

All right, you can always email me as I'm off to watch Family Guy and Iron Chef.

Late.'s Halloween. I'm AUSTIN POWERS...but what is my friend Rob's costume? hmmmmm....could he be...AHHHHH! Its OJ SIMPSON! Run! Posted by Hello

The wifey! Her name is Ellie...but wifey sounds cute. The "wild thing" hat really works well, doesn't it?  Posted by Hello

Wanted to get a few photos online. Here's SKETCH (my best man at the wedding) and me. I would like to say, those are NOT liquor bottles in Sketch's hat. There's more to come, but this is the best I've found. Posted by Hello

Here we go with tha' blog...a great outlet for my creative juices (aside from the radio show!). If you're reading this, you rock. I don't promise cheesy profound wisdom, but you might chuckle. If not, you get yer' money back...

Profound thought #1: Wouldn't you love to be backstage last night at the Oscar's? Can you imagine the tension when Chris Rock and Sean Penn crossed paths? Sean Penn has already punched people, and Chirs makes people want to punch him. It's a recipe for success (and also the recipe for a good reality show)

Profound Thought #2: Chris Rock probably pissed off about half of the audience last night. Thank God. After watching the VMA's, Grammy's, ESPY's and every other awards show, you realize how stale and uptight the Oscars are. Unfortunately, Chris probable annoyed enough people that next year, Bob Saget will host the show....grrr..