
Friday, April 22, 2005

No more updates 'til may 2nd! Have a good week!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Sorry for the lack of updates. We've been busy this week preparing for our trip! woohoo! can't wait for a little R&R next week. It's been so nice this week, i've been out on the patio relaxing at night instead of being online. I even took the cats out for a walk in the yard. Am i the only person who puts their cat on a leash and lets them into the yard? yeah..i probably am.

Sorry for the lack of updates. We've been busy this week preparing for our trip! woohoo! can't wait for a little R&R next week. It's been so nice this week, i've been out on the patio relaxing at night instead of being online. I even took the cats out for a walk in the yard. Am i the only person who puts their cat on a leash and lets them into the yard? yeah..i probably am.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

We went out to my cousin's 50th birthday party this weekend. He lives near York. I headed out to the backyard and played tug-o-war with Perry, the dog. They got Perry in Perry county (imagine that).  Posted by Hello

Friday, April 15, 2005

Just got paid, it's Friday night...and so begins a fun weekend. Actually it'll be low-key, because my parents and grandmother are coming into town for my cousin's 50th b-day party. He lives in York, so they're staying here and we're all going to the party. Should be good times. We'll take lots of pics, i'm sure.

I'm excited becasue my parents are bringing our mountain bikes down, and i'll be able to ride to work! It's easy, becasue i live within sight of the station. It still makes me feel healthy to ride though.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

The damn internet wasn't working last night, so i wasn't able to update the blog. We made homemade pasta last night! Woohoo! go us! My parents gave us an old pasta press, and we put it to good use. Homemade basil pasta is the best! We even put the basil plant into a pot and planned on growing some more....


at 5am, Jasmine (our cat) decided that she needed some attention, so she climbed on top of the bookshelf and pushed the basil plant onto the floor. Waking up and finding a HUGE pile of dirt in the middle of the living room wasn't fun.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

NATALIE (who sings GOIN' CRAZY) stopped to visit the KISS-FM studio last week. She's such a sweetheart! Obviously, she looks even MORE attractve when she's standing between Matt Steal and me.  Posted by Hello

Leaf Blowers SUCK! Posted by Hello

At 7:04 this morning, i was roused from my sleep by a f^!#$%g LEAF BLOWER outside the bedroom window. On the positive side, they're tidying up my apartment complex. On the negative side...IT WAS 7:04 IN THE MORNING!!!!! I've been groggy all day becasue of it. It was even worse becasue a small black cat climbed up and starting licking my face at 6am becasue their food bowl was empty. Who needs an alarm clock?? Between the cats and the leaf-blowers, i never get sleep. If i sound rough on the air tomorrow, you know why.

HUGE SNAKE! we were walking along the Lakeside Trail at Pinchot and we stumbed across this guy! He was about 4 feet long. Thank god he was freindly! I'm not a huge fan of snakes, so i wasn't thrilled to run into him. He slithered off after we took this picture.  Posted by Hello

Thanks for the positive feedback on the last batch of pictures. YES, it was beautiful and YES my wife is very attractive...hands off! Anyway, we'll have something new soon, because we're doing photos for the radio station tomorrow morning. I'm hoping we get all dolled up and do some Glamour Shots kinda thing (ok, not really...but it'd be funny to see Miller wearing a feather boa). Regardless, you'll get to see 'em once they're developed and on the KISS website.

I've been rolling around town with half the top off my jeep. Only a few degrees warmer and it'll be TOPLESS! of course, then i'll be praying for no rain every day. i'll be ducking out of the studio to put a tarp over it! haha.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

One last shot of our hiking trip. What a great day to hike! Posted by Hello

Ellie and I hiked out to the dam at Pinchot. There's a little creek that runs into the lake. We found a big flat rock and laid out for about half an hour. I ended up getting soaked because i slipped on one of the wet rocks! Leave it to me to be the clumsy one! Posted by Hello

Ellie took this on Sunday. We went to Pinchot State Park and hiked about 3 miles. It was a perfect day to be outside hiking!  Posted by Hello

Boy, do i look content? That must have been a VERY happy beer. On Friday Night, Ellie and I walked around downtown and stopped at Zia's for dinner. It was SO nice to eat outside and relax. Thank god winter is over!! Posted by Hello

Friday, April 08, 2005

Weekend's here! We survived another week of fun. The weather is supposed to be nice all weekend! that means one thing....BARBEQUE! we're headed to Miller's house tomorrow afternoon for some grillin' and hangin' out. should be good. i love sitting around on a saturday, can't wait!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

After relaxing on the patio last night and assembling the "ghetto grill version 2.0", i'm disappointed that it's not 80 degrees today! it was so nice to be outside all last night. I'm not ready to go back to spring weather, let's stay with the summer temperatures!

Got to meet NATALIE, who sings "goin' crazy"! She stopped by the KISS studios today. Pictures are up at :

yes, it's a long address. if it doesn't work, just go to

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

all i can say is AHHHHHHHHHHHH.... it's sunny and 80 outside. i couldn't ask for more...wait, yes i could. i could ask for:

the afternoon off work
a healthy pinky finger so i could swing my golf clubs

that would make the afternoon perfect.

i'm jealous becasue Miller (from the M N M show) went home a grilled hamburgers for lunch. My grill is dead, so i need to get a new one before i can grill some goodies.


OK, a second update for today. It's a sad day for me as i retired the "ghetto grill". I bought it two years ago in Erie at the Value Home Center for $15. it's served me well, but something rusted out. Now when i fire it up, a huge plume of flame shoots out the top. Good for impressing my pyromaniac friends, bad for cooking. So i retired the ole' girl tonight and replaced it with....

...a new version of the exact same grill. It cost $25 bucks this time, and i found it at Kmart. the only difference is that it's black instead of red. Hopefully the "Ghetto-Grill Version 2.0" works as well as the last one. I'll try it out tomorrow night. Can't wait!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

can't wait for tomorrow! sunshine and 73! woohoo! no wonder i moved to harrisburg from erie. they had a foot of snow last weekend. yuk. i don't miss the erie weather at all! Of course, it'll snow here now, just to piss me off. always works that way.

hang on...this baseball score just in.... Jeter homers in the bottom of the 9th to lead the Yanks to a 4-3 win over the Red Sux. boo-yah!

anyway...back to the nice weather. i'm loving it! time to break out the rollerblades! i need to get ellie a pair so we can skate together.

Monday, April 04, 2005

happy monday to you! c'mon! it's nice today! i know monday usually sucks, but it's 60 and sunny today! gotta' love it! a few more degrees warmer and i can lay out and get a little color. Believe me, i need it! I'm so white right now, you can take my x-ray with a flashlight. can't wait for it to be warm. i'll be able to drive around town topless! OK, not really topless, but i can take the top off my jeep. close enough.

Friday, April 01, 2005

There is MUCH excitement in the Hurley household this weekend. Not only is it beautiful outside right now, but we're also getting our bikes out of storage this weekend! I love mountain biking, and it'll be fun to get back on the trails soon! Plus, i've spent the majority of the winter planted on my couch, so i need to get back in shape!

Looking forward to Happy Hour tonight. No idea where we're going...but we'll figure it out! Keep an eye out for us. We'll be the loud, obnoxious table. Come say HI.