
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I've discovered my newest talent. i have the ability to get injured, no matter what sport i'm playing. let's review the last 2 years:

broke my right wrist playing soccer (yes, i don't use hands in soccer! but i'm a goalie!)

broke my left pinky playing football in the parkng lot with Miller and Matt Steal

got a huge bruise on my right thigh playing ultimate frisbee with my cousins this weekend

assorted nicks, cuts and bruises from mountain biking

apparently, i'm not capable of playing sports without injuring myself. i need to hang up the cleats and pursue a safer pasttime, like basket weaving.

Monday, May 30, 2005

A picture from Sunday night at the house. My parents have the most amazing view off their back deck! There's not a house or store for miles (which sucks when you need to get a loaf of bread) They live out in the sticks. Posted by Hello

Ellie, Gram and me. Gram's 101 years old (almost 102)! We always tell her she doesn't look a day over 80! HAHA. This is all of us on Monday, before we headed home.  Posted by Hello

We headed out to the family's house for Memorial Day weekend for our annual family reunion. Here we are at the Troy Memorial Day parade. I used to go to Troy High school, so it was fun to go back to the ole' stomping grounds. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 27, 2005

It's MEMORIAL DAY weekend! Hope you're hanging with the family and friends. We're off to the family reunion in Elmira. The whole crew gets together and has a big picnic. We'll have oodles of pictures to share after this weekend. It's our first roadtrip of summer, but not the last! After this weekend, there's still four weddings to go! Not ONE of them is in Harrisburg, so we're on the road for all of 'em!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Been having issues trying to update this blog! I typed a lot on tuesday night, and it crashed! whoops. Hopefully it's back to normal now.

There's a 2 hour American Idol finale' tonight, which means i'll be online all night! the last few weeks of Idol are boring. We know that they'll both release CD's and singles. Who cares which one wins???? They'll both have a singing career. The only difference is that the winner will get to sing last when the American Idols tour comes to Reading. haha.

(part 2)

OK, we're an hour into the Idol finale'. Here's your scorecard so far:

17: the number of times Ryan Seacrest has said "coming up after this"
8: the number of plugs for the CD/Tour
10: the number of "rejected idol" clips from earlier this season
2: the number of cars given away
88: number of time Seacrest has reminded us that it's the BOYS vs. GIRLS
6: the number of bags of groceries i was able to buy in less 30 minutes (so i didn't miss much)
8: the number of bong hits that LEROY (the rejected contestant) did before he auditioned

oh...and Carrie beat Bo. there was much crying and screaming from young girls. the crowd went wild... However, the entire state of Alabama missed it because they went crazy and got drunk when Lynard Skynard came out and sang.

in honor of Ryan, i say "hurley...out"

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

and so it begins...the final two nights of American Idol. Which means, i'll be online for a few hours this week. I can't sit there and watch the last two or three singers. It's boring by this point for me. Either one of them is fine, but i'd rather have Bo win. It'd be great to have an American Idol from Alabama! yeee-hah! love it.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

We went hiking at Pinchot Park on Sunday afternoon. Since we slept til' noon, we figured we'd better make up for it by getting some fresh air and exercise! haha. Here I am, on top of the dam overlooking the lake. What a perfect day for a hike.

Ellie got on top of this rock without a problem, but getting down was a little more tricky!  Posted by Hello

WOOOOO! Ok, its not that impressive. Here's the third shot of us hiking at Pinchot this weekend.  Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

As you can see, we've found a simple way to keep Georgie from running out the door into the backyard.

(attention overzealous PETA members, this is a joke, please do not boycott me). Posted by Hello

Yep, that's GAVIN from the KISS-FM Morning Mess. A biting political wit, extensive movie knowledge...and he's a regular Martha Stewart in the kitchen! Yes ladies! Who wouldn't want this mohawked cook in their kitchen?

American Idol was a 30 minute yawn last night (and not just becasue i was sipping NyQuil to kick this cold). C'mon...EVERYONE knew that Vonzell was headed home. Is there any way that BO doesn't win next week??? nope, didn't think so.

I mentioned i was sick. I gave in and took a sick day yesterday. i never do that, but decided it was better to stay home and not get everyone else at KISS sick. i don't want the Morning Mess to get sick, becasue I'll be the one who has to get up at 4am and fill in for them! no thanks!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Hangin' with the guys from SIMPLE PLAN. While we were taking this picture, there were about 20 people lined up in front of us taking photos. Apparently, everyone decided to look at a different camera!  Posted by Hello

Backstage during SIMPLE PLAN'S performance, we exchanged a tender embrance as "Perfect" blared from the speakers. From left to right...Darnell, Matt Steal, Big Mike and Me.  Posted by Hello

The Simple Plan/Good Charlotte show last night was a blast! We hung out behind the stage all night and got to meet the guys. There's pictures on the website. there's also a good one at if you were at the show, hope you had a good time! We'll have to do it again!

I've lost my voice today, and it's worse than yesterday. I'm sure that screaming and yelling at a concert didn't help. oh well...a quiet night tonight will be good for me.

Monday, May 16, 2005

It's Monday, and I'm sick! How does this happen? Every time KISS has a concert, i end up getting sick on the day of the show! When Trick Daddy came to town a few weeks ago, i could barely get out of bed. Now it's SIMPLE PLAN and GOOD CHARLOTTE, and i have no voice! Ugh. today's radio show will be interesting, since i can barely talk! Bad timing.

If you're headed to the show tonight, be sure to come over and say hello! We'll all be hanging out at the concert. It's easy to spot us, since everyone is wearing the exact same KISS shirt! It looks like we're a bowling team! haha.

Also, don't tell me what happened on Desperate Housewives last night. we taped it, and i won't get to watch it for a few days.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Another gorgeous day! I'm loving this! I've had the top down on my jeep for a few days. It fun to feel the wind blowing thru my rapidly thinning hair! I put the top on last night, becasue it was supposed to rain. it didn't! i feel like i was ripped off. i could have driven topless for another day! dammit!

Headed out with friends to a restaurant called Bube's tonight. by far, this is the coolest place on earth! and yes, it's pronounced Boobies, which makes it even better. hahaha

Monday, May 09, 2005

We're headed towards 1200 hits on the blog! I'm sure that half of them are me, but at least a few of them are other people. If you're reading this, be sure to email me at

It was opening weekend at Hersheypark, and i was there on Saturday morning. We helped to open the park, then we rounded up the troops and hit the roller-coasters! woohooooooo! I'm a huge rollercoaster fan, and we did 'em all! I had never ridden the STORM RUNNER before. Oh my god....that's just ridiculous. you go 0 to 70 in a few seconds, and then shoot straight up into the sky. Did i mention "wooooooooo"? that's a great ride! Then we headed over to the wooden coasters. Finally it was off to the GREAT BEAR, where waited in line patiently behind a gaggle of 12 year olds. we got the front car. yee-ow. if you're riding that one, get in front! It's completely worth the wait!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Happy Cinco-de-Mayo!

Haha. Ok, thats the best i've got. I'm fighting some flu-bug, barely made it to work today. I'm not even going to the big Trick Daddy concert tonight. Ugh. Hopefully Miller takes some good pictures. Why do i get sick at the worst time? Hope I'm healthy for the weekend, it's Hersheypack opening weekend! woohoo!
Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I think this might be the most beatiful beach i've even seen. When the tide comes in, the sand completely disappears. It's amazing! Posted by Hello

We're on the beach, and it's chilly! So much for the warm sunshine! Posted by Hello

A cheesy smile! Had to have a picture in front of the red telephone booths! Posted by Hello

In front of the Tower Bridge. Couldn't have asked for a nicer day. I even got a little bit of a tan! Posted by Hello

My whirlwind tour of England! Here's me in front of the LONDON EYE. we went up in it earlier. Posted by Hello

Tonight i'll be online, becasue American Idol is on (am i predictable, or what?). I uploaded 120 pictures of our trip to England. No, i won't make you look at all of them, but I'll find a few good ones for ya!

I thought my jetlag would be over by today, but it's 4:30pm and my body is dragging! Hopefully tonight I'll finally catch up. I feel great in the morning, but by 3 I'm dead! That's not good, since i'm on the radio at 3! haha.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Back from a week-long vacation in England! Boo-yah! Now, before you go thinking that i'm some jet-setting world traveler, realize that ellie's family lives there. So it wasn't some extravegant vacation, just a visit to see the in-laws. haha. we had a blast, and took over 100 pics! i won't put 'em all up here, but i'll get some up soon!