
Thursday, June 30, 2005

It's Thursday, and that means its time for another CLEAR CHANNEL KEGGERS softball extravaganza! Cant' wait to get out on the field tonight!

Ellie's back tomorrow, which means i'll have loads of new pictures to put on here. we're headed to the lake on saturday, so we'll get to kick back and relax. should be a lot of fun!

Monday, June 27, 2005

More pics for the family overseas. Here's El and I at Niagara Falls. Posted by Hello

Another moment of black cat zen. Awww. OK, did ya' also notice my bowling pin?'s the genuine thing! Sorry...back to the cat. Adorable. Posted by Hello

Doing my impression of Donkey Kong.  Posted by Hello

It's day #1 of Jeffy-palooza. When Ellie goes away, she calls it "jeffy-palooza" becaus she assumes that i party like a madman. In reality, it's more low-key than that...I eat pizza and watch TV. I don't clean the house either. It's my act of rebellion. By thursday night, i'll have a few pizza boxes laying on the floor, and the cats will be concerned that i haven't scooped their litter. Maybe there will be some laundry hanging off the hamper. That's the essence ofJeffy-palooza.

She's in Florida right now with lots of sunshine and temps in the mid-90's. I'm still in Harrisburg, with lots of sunshine and temps in the low-90's! Heehee...I think the weather is actually better here! If it would rain every afternoon at 3, then it WOULD feel like I'm back in Floirda. haha.

(UPDATE: after i made that comment, it prompty started raining in Harrisburg at 3pm. If you were planning on spending the afternoon outside, you have my sincere apologies")

Sunday, June 26, 2005

It's Sunday, and i've assumed my position on the couch. I dropped the wifey off at the airport this morning, as she's off to Florida. (must be nice!). Just me and the cats at the house this week. Not anything big happening, just a quiet week. She's got the camera, so i'll have new photos from Florida once she gets back.

We went to Pinchot yesterday afternoon to swim and catch some rays. It was so funny, becasue the lifeguards were on break for about 15 minutes. While they're on break, no one can swim. So all the kids were lined up on the shore. When the whistle blew, they piled into the water. Must have been about 100 kids jumping in at once. It was hysterical to watch.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Wow, almost Friday! This week has flown by. Last night was a mess. I drank a "little" too much with some friends. OK, i'm lying...i drank a LOT too much. I woke up this morning and my liver was in bed next to me, and it was kicking me. Still, we had an absolute blast last night.

Oh, and if you run into Matt Steal, ask him about the giraffe...he's dying to tell you about it.

Monday, June 20, 2005

I'm posting some old photos. My in-laws in England look on here for photos, and i want to show 'em some good ones from the past year. Here's a valuable lesson. DON'T MAKE SMART ASS COMMENTS TO GUYS WHO ARE HOLDING CANS OF SILLY-STRING! Jason made some stupid comment, and we blasted him. Funny! Posted by Hello

Here's a classic one of Sketch and I. We threw a party in Erie where everyone was required to wear a silly hat. These silly enough? Posted by Hello

Ellie and the Niagara Falls trolley. Yes, that's my finger on the lens. I'm not the best photo-taker. Posted by Hello

Niagara Falls! OK, this isn't the's the river BEFORE it gets to the Falls. We headed up there for a day and took these pics. Posted by Hello

Here's me in Philly, next to the Liberty Bell. Yes, i have my hair cut off.  Posted by Hello

Here's your moment of zen for today. We used to live in Panama City, FL. Here's the sunset on the Gulf. People always say "why did you move back to the north?" It's nice down there in the winter, but the summer is TOO hot. The knobs in my car actually melted from the heat. That's too hot! Posted by Hello

Here's to you!  Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 16, 2005

And now..since i showed you the cutest cat ever, i figured i should also throw in the scariest one. This is our other (evil) cat Georgie. I guess she didn't want me to wake her up!  Posted by Hello

And now....your moment of zen. Here's the cutest cat picture ever. Can't believe i've gotten to the point in my life where i would be sharing "cute cat photos". Apparently it's happened! FYI...that's Jasmine. She's about 20 pounds now, except her head is still the same size!  Posted by Hello

Mike Miller and I hangin' at the Jesse McCartney concert! Yes, these are supa-stylish hats! thanks to the girls who loaned us these. We're big pimpin'!

Mmmm...i love pizza. Mmmm..mmmm.... pepperoni! Could i be any cheesier in this pic? i couldn't.  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Now, for the funniest thing you've seen in a on and check out the LEARN TO DANCE LIKE A WHITE GUY video. i was rollin'! that's comedy!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

It was back to Rochester, NY for a wedding over the weekend. I lived in Rochester from 1998-99, so it was nice to get back and visit. I'm standing on the High Falls bridge overlooking the Genesee river. Look closely in the background. See that tall white building poking up from behind the Apartment Building? That's HSBC Plaza, the home of my old radio stations 98PXY and 94.1 The Zone.

One of my favorite places in Rochester is the world-famous Nick Tahou's! This is the home of the Garbage Plate. I know, it looks kinda nasty. But after you've left the club at 2am and are looking for something to eat...there's nothing better than this! What's in a Garbage Plate? Well...this is a "cheeseburger, mac-salad and homefries plate with everything." That means it has two cheeseburger patties, homefries, macaroni salad, mustard, onions and hot sauce. Plus you load it up with Ketchup and Red Hot. Yummy! Posted by Hello

MMMMMM.... A genuine Nick Tahou's Garbage Plate. Up close and personal! Posted by Hello

Friday, June 10, 2005

Wow..over 1800 hits now! This is great. Glad a lot of people are stopping by. I guess this means i have to update the site pretty often! We're heading to a wedding in my old stomping grounds of Rochester, NY this weekend. (FYI...Mansfield PA, Elmira NY , Rochester, Wilkes-Barre, Panama City FL and Erie, PA are all considered "my old stomping grounds"). We'll have lots of new photos to update the site with on Monday!

Watched the MTV Movie Awards last night. I'm sorry, but Dustin Hoffman repeatedly grabbing himself was the funniest damn thing! The old guy cracked me up! Just one thing, hopefully next year...they'll ask all the bands to perform IN TUNE (Yellowcard, are you listening???)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

There's at least FIVE jeeps at the office. Today, we pulled the doors and roofs off and enjoyed the warm weather (until it rained!). Left to Right: Mike Mendez, Matt Steal, Me, Big Mike and Mike Miller. I've been driving around with no doors or roof. It's been so nice! I feel like I'm living in Florida again! Gotta watch it though, i think i sunburned my head!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

It's Tuesday, and I've just broken 1700 hits on the blog! boo-yah! Here's a bit of shameless self promotion. Check out the RANDOM FUN THINGS section of my station page at

I'd like to hand out an award. It was a tough decision...but i've decided to award the title of "worst movie dialogue of all time" to HONEY. It's a hip-hop movie, but it sounds like a 60 year old white guy from Connecticut wrote the script. If i hear the words "that's whack" ever again, i'll smack someone. At some point, Lil' Romeo should have looked at this script and ran away in terror. I genuinely felt bad for him. It was on tonight, and i sat through it. that's two hours of my life i'll never get back. Ever.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I only wear ties for three occasions....Weddings, Funerals and job interviews. Luckily, this was for a wedding! We were at my good friend Jason's wedding in Edinboro. I'm very proud of my tie, by the way.  Posted by Hello

Here's the whole gang out for brunch at Pufferbelly's! mmmm...breakfast buffet. Between the 12 of us, we must have almost put them out of business! Posted by Hello

Sitting on a seal...or is it a dolphin? Umm...i'm going with dolphin. Beautiful day to be outside. Too bad we had to hop in the car and drive 5 hours back to Harrisburg after this! Posted by Hello

Here we are on the pier at Dobbins landing during our weekend trip back up to Erie. It was 89 degrees! Sizzling in Erie! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Your moment of zen for today. ahhhh...the beautful Cornish coastline in Southwest England. Apparently i'm not happy about it, since i'm not smiling Posted by Hello