
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Since i set up my site at MYSPACE, i've learned a lot. First off, the site is Here's what i've learned:

EVERYONE has taken their own picture by holding the camera out in front of their face, so i decided to do the same. It's harder than it looks! I have about 4 pictures of the top of my head.

I've also learned that a "myspace ho" is someone who posts sexy/half-naked photos of themselves online. not that i have to worry about that! But it's still a funny term to throw around. How can you tell if YOU might be a myspace ho? Here's an actual situation:

A girl has a quote on her myspace website that says "i don't have to put half-naked photos of myself on here to make friends". If you click on her photos...there's 5 or 6 six photos of her posing in a bikini, half-naked. Hmmmm.... Ladies and gentlmen, she's a myspace ho!

I've learned that people will add anyone who has a cute picture of themselves online. here's a hint...if you want friends, GOOGLE some cute girl or guy's pic, and put it up. You'll meet all KINDS of interesting people. Put up Carmen Electra's pic, and you'll have 100 new guy friends in a second. really...

PS: You'll also notice that i'm more aerodynamic now, since i cut off all my hair. It helps me get better gas miileage when i've got the top down on the Jeep! With gas costing 3 bucks a gallon, i need all the help i can get!

Here's another photo from last weekend's Renaissance Faire. We teamed up with kids from MAKE A WISH for the Media Olympics. Here's the whole crew. I feel like the odd man out, since i'm the only one wearing yellow.

Monday, August 29, 2005

It's friggin' early! I'm filling in for the MORNING MESS all this week. i'm not used to waking up at 4:45am! Thank god i only live 2 minutes away from the station. I can roll out of bed, throw on some clothes and roll into the office. Still, i'll be DEAD by the end of the week! haha. I used to work on the morning show (WINK 106!) while i was in college. How on earth did i do that? i used to party 'til 130am, sleep for 2 hours, drive 45 minutes to Elmira and be in the office and working by 4:30am! oh, to be 22 years old again! If i don't get my 8 hours of sleep now, i'm a wreck!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen...please give it up for your 2005 Clear Channel Keggers softball team! Left to Right, back row: Mendez, Me, Matt, Michael, Christine Ricci, Dave, Rob Wilber and Matt. Kneeling in front: Hoffman and Emily. Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 26, 2005

Went to the Renaissance Faire last weekend with some of the KISS KREW for the Media Olympics. Miller pounded me in the "pillow fight on the log" event. I don't remember ever reading about ancient knights fighting on a log with pillows. Must have missed that in History class.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

This is my newest online addiction. It's called MYSPACE. The whole idea is to make oodles of friends. You can check it out at Mike Miller from the M-n-M show got me hooked on this. It's HIS fault that i've got another thing to distract me while i'm working.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

So, this weekend, i realized I'm bored with drinking. I figured i'd take a break and detox for a while. No biggie, right? haha...sure. I need something to fill that craving, so i'm drinking more coffee than i used to. I figured i'd save a ton of cash by not drinking beer...but since Mochas are $3.25 each, i think i'm actually losing money! ahhhhh! This is gonna drive me to drink! wait..that's what i'm trying to avoid. dammit.

Jason's wedding was a blast! Everyone had a great time. Pictures are slowly trickling in from people who went. I've already posted one, and i think there's more online. Just go to and click on the MORNING MESS page. there's a few there.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

It was JASON'S wedding on Saturday, so most of the KISS crew headed to Scranton and got our groove on! Here's who's in the pic. Down in front: Gavin. 2nd Row (left to right) Joe Rainey (Capitol Records), Kelly, Me, Baker, and JB Wilde. Back row (l-r) Mike Miller, Kyle and Mike McCoy.  Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 19, 2005

Here's me and OSCAR! He's my friend's new puppy! When i was a kid, we always had Boston Terriers...i love these dogs!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I had to post another cat pic for Ellie. This is THE CUTEST CAT PICTURE EVER! It's baby Jasmine just after we got her back in '03.  Posted by Picasa

This is a picture for Ellie. She's back home in England for the week, and i know she's missing our cats. I told her i'd put a picture online for her. So here's Georgie, unwrapping her birthday present.

I had a little "incident" this morning while i was eating breakfast. Here's the deal, i always bring yogurt to work with me, and eat it first thing in the morning while i'm checking my messages. So i'm on the phone, talking to a client....and i drop the FULL yogurt container. It hit the floor and exploded like a little "yogurt bomb". Yeah. Fun. So now my chair, pants and desk have little sticky yogurt spots. At least my pants and my yogurt were the same color! This is why i should eat breakfast at home.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

It's Saturday, and that means the alarm went off at 6:15am so i could make it out for my 7:21am tee-time. Nothing like a round of golf to ruin a beautiful morning. OK, i really love playing! Even though today wasn't my best game, it was nice to be out. However, by the 10th hole it was already over 90 degrees! By the 16th hole, i could feel my internal organs simmering. The funniest thing today...I ran into my cousin who i haven't seen in years! He was two groups behind ours! haha.

Here we are Friday night at the BACKSTREET BOYS concert at Hershey. The entire KISS Krew was here workin' hard! Here's me and Gavin taking a break. It was a great time, and we got to meet hundreds of BSB fanatics! Posted by Picasa

The heat index at the BSB concert was 105 degrees! Big Mike and I resorted to drastic measures to stay cool!

I decided to "borrow" the cardboard cutout of Nick Carter that we were giving away and take him for a walk. Its amazing the reaction you'll get when you walk around a BSB concert screaming "watch out, Nick carter coming through!" Posted by Picasa

Me, Nick, Gavin and a BSB fan Posted by Picasa

Hangin' with Nick carter...sorta.. Posted by Picasa

Me carrying Nick Carter around Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 11, 2005

CHAOS! (This is an inside joke..sorry)

The other night, i was battling insomnia. As i laid on the couch flicking thru the channels...i ended up on Nicktoons and found...


This is a cult classic! I haven't seen it on TV in years! Needless to say, i was pretty thrilled. It didn't cure my insomnia, but it was more fun than watching info-mercials!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Ellie said "it seems like every time you take a picture of me, i'm floating on the water". So, to keep with that's Ellie floating on the raft last weekend!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Mo' Muffet! Posted by Picasa

Here's the newest addition the family! Let me introduce MUFFET (or as i call her, MUPPET). She showed up at my parents house and moved right in! We wouldv'e brought her back to Harrisburg, but we've already got 2 cats. I don't think we'd want to get rid of one of them. Isn't she adorable? God, i've really turned into a cat person. Posted by Picasa

Monday, Monday, Monday... Spent the weekend at the parent's house. we had an engagement party for friends on saturday night, then went to the lake to relax. i always feel so tired when i come back from the lake. i get soooo relaxed, i don't want to come back to work on monday! but, i think the bank would prefer i keep working so i can pay off that OTHER car loan! (one down, one to go!)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

uh oh, we have a problem. For Friday's CLEAR CHANNEL BBQ, I've been assigned to the "clean-up committee". Now, my idea of "cleaning up" is to leave the dirty dishes on the countertop so the cats will lick them clean. haha. This can't end well...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Wow! It's wednesday already, and i haven't updated the site since the pool party! It's been crazy at work, but that's no excuse. I mean, i have SO many stories to tell this week....i have ...umm...err....

damn...nothing happened this week.

wait, i too El to dinner at Firehouse last night! mmmm. Love the Wasabi Tuna! It was our "sorta 2 year anniversary". the actual anniversary was last week, but we never got to have a nice dinner. so last night we did it up. v. nice

other than that, it's very quiet! Friday should be interesting. All the managers here at Clear Channel Radio (that's me! a manager) are grilling and cooking for the rest of the staff. Needless to say, everyone will have food poisoning on Saturday. It won't be my fault, i think they're putting me in charge of scooping the potato salad.