
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

One of the guys at work asked "why were you so excited to get a mixer?" Look at this you see where i am? yes. it's a kitchen. i live in the kitchen. It's my calling in life. I prepared the Christmas dinner this year.

(note: this is my parent's kitchen. ours has fewer christmas cards and lacy curtains).

Monday, December 26, 2005

Awww....sitting next to the fireplace on Christmas Day.

HAHA! It's my ...err...OUR new mixer. Yeah baby. Been wanting this for ages. Yes, i'm a kitchen-gadget geek. We also got a pastry cutter and flour sifter. Not exactly the sexiest gifts on earth, but i couldnt be happier!

Sittin' next to the Christmas Tree. See the present next to me? Yeah...i know what's in it. Can't wait to open that one!

Sportin' my Christmas Crown. (either that, or i'm trying to be the "Burger King")

Jeff the "Master Turkey Carver".

Gram and her prize. Here's the England, you get a crown and prize at the dinner table on Christmas Day. Since Ellie's English, we do it here!

Dancing along with the musical snowman from hallmark!

Wanna' blow your cats minds? Drop a whole pile of cat-toys in front of them. Merry Christmas girls...hahaha.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Dammit! I hate when i do this.... i was looking for a song for my iPod. I looked all over and didn't find it. So i finally gave in and paid .99 cents for it. I head to the online music store, pay my duckets, download the song.... and suddenly i realize. I ALREADY OWN THE SONG AND IT'S IN MY iPod! ahhhhhhh!!!!!!

So now i have two versions of it. Joy.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Everyone at Clear Channel Harrisburg was happy to comply with the new "one drink at the holiday party" rule.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

I woke up today and didn't feel good. By the time i finished work, i was downright sick. I think i've got bird-flu. It's the trendy disease of 2005.

Friday night was the annual Clear Channel Christmas party. We headed out, had our fun, etc... Here's my dinner. MMMM...beefy.

Ellie and I (yes...i wore a tie!)

Ryanne and Mike

Web princess Lauren and Big Mike

Matt and Nicki

Gavin's cashing in his "drink tickets" at the bar.

Friday, December 16, 2005

There promises to be a new batch of silly (and possibly embarrasing) photos on here this weekend. Tonight is the big ole' Clear Channel Christmas Party/Matt's birthday celebration. Please stop back for the evidence tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

So.... it's December 13th. All our Christmas shopping is done...We've got 90% of our cards sent...Our packages that have to go overseas are sent...we've made new years' plans...picked out new years outfits (ellie, not me). i'm not gloating...i'm AMAZED. what the hell happened to me? I used to do all my shopping on the 24th of December and spend the whole night wrapping presents! this feels very unnatural to me.

Monday, December 12, 2005

i just logged back on here...i posted about 30 minutes ago, and there's 8 new webhits. who the hell reads this? really? my life is pretty boring, aside from that one night in Chattanooga. wooo. well, there was also that 6 month period of time in rochester (mmm...gotham city), and wilkes-barre was a riot. Panama City? oh yeah...that was fun.

ok...maybe it's not THAT quiet. but still, who reads this???

jus' curious. haha

It's December...there's snow...the field is wet and muddy...and Jerome Bettis is running over All-Pro linebackers. Ahhhh...everything's right with the world again.

Speaking of football...its Saints vs Falcons on MNF. Oh lord. i should watch just for the comedic value. zzzzzzzz

Thank God for Midnight Club 2 on least that'll be interesting.

Just a random thought i'd like to throw out there. Pat O'Brien is the anti-christ. i swear. this guy really is the lowest rung on the "tabloid journalist" totem pole. he makes Geraldo look like Edward Murrow.

while we were flicking around tonight, i saw ole' patty smiling and pumpin up their "exclusive" interview with Richard Pryor, just days before his death. It wasn't an interview with was an interview with Richard's wife. Richard sat in the background and drooled on himself. the poor guy is in the last stages of life, and you show it on TV? Hopefully, when pat o'brien goes to hell, they'll televise an exclusive video of his suffering. maybe a pay-per-view event? yeah, i'll spend $8.99 on that. maybe even $10. but no more than that... i'm saving up for the "martha stewart and paris hilton thrown off the golden gate bridge" pay per view.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Got my new "traffic assistance device" attached to the Jeep. Yes...a large, double-tube bumper should help me when I need to bump that idiot in the Mercedes who just cut me off. Either that, or it'll knock the brush out of my way when we're tearing up the creek at Walker and Christa's cabin. Either way, i win.

Ellie thought it was strange when i asked for a BUMPER for my birthday. But she even likes it. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

Friday, December 09, 2005

This might be the coolest internet animation i've ever seen. Wow. I've watched it three times in a row. Crazy.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

It was only a matter of time. We awoke this morning to find our first BROKEN Christmas ornament. Luckily, it was one of those generic colored balls...but still... I knew the cats were going to break something eventually. The entire bottom of our tree is bare, because they keep knocking the ornaments off the branches. They knock 'em down and play "ornament soccer" around the apartment. You figure they'd try and be NICE this time of year, but i guess they're happy to get on the NAUGHTY list.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Home from work today, fighting a bug. Felt kinda sick all night. I figure it's better to stay home and get healthy than go to work, do a half-assed job and get everyone else sick. At least i've had time to catch up on some sleep, email a few peeps and get the house in order a little bit.

This is alarming me. The upstairs neighbor is blaring "I want her" by Keith Sweat. To me, Keith Sweat is "get your freak on" music. C'MON! Its 2 in the afternoon! Scary. There's freakin' happening upstiars!

Speaking of freaky Christmas tree's bottom two branches are now undecorated. my cats have discovered the joy of "batting ornaments". weve found them all over the apartment. see, i told you those two were evil cats.

James...part-time police officer, Full-time sumo champion. Thank god he didn't wear the "sumo diaper".

Monday, December 05, 2005

Beer + Me and my friends = A Beer-a-mid.

Yep, we're creative when we've been drinking. Notice this fine Beer-a-mid (pronounced like pyramid). It's more amazing that we were able to drink this much and still stack beer cans! (all while wearing stupid hats)

Ahh...the gentle grace of beer pong. The arc of the ball as it sails towards it's amber target. The thrill of joyous victory. This is also one of the few shots of my beer pong table in action. it's currently undergoing renovations, and should be re-opened for the 2006 Beer Pong Season.

In 2004, we went as Austin Powers and Paris Hilton. I'm the one dressed as Austin, just in case you couldn't figure it out.

Nothing puts a smile on my face quite like a muddy Jeep. We tore up a creek and a large bush (by accident) right before this was taken. it brings a happy tear to my eye...

If the last photo didn't convince you that i'm a redneck at heart, this one will!

I bet you think that this "turkey" leg looks yummy. well you're wrong. this was an "ass flavored" turkey leg. yuk!

Sneaking around backstage at the Hard Rock Cafe in Orlando. shhh...we're not supposed to be back here.

More from Florida. This is Seaside (where they filmed the Truman Show). again...someone please remind me why i moved back to the arctic north? anyone? please?

Since we're supposed to get 2 or 3 inches of snow tomorrow, can i take a snow day? i haven't had one of those since i graduated. we should be allowed one or two of them a year. i'll call the morning mess and tell them to include that when they're reading "stormwatch". i can hear it now..."Central Dauphin is cancelled, and Hurley has taken a snow day..he won't be here today".


Ohhh....Steelers sucked this weekend. i am not thrilled. i almost made the mistake of buying a Roethlisberger jersey this year, but i'm not allowed to. I curse players when i buy their jerseys. Check this out. Here's the jerseys i've bought

#29 BARRY FOSTER: I think he's in jail or something now.
#26 ROD WOODSON: Knee injury in the first game of the season (however, he DID return for the Super Bowl)
#10 KORDELL STEWART: Do i HAVE to explain this one? no

Those are just the STEELERS players i've cursed, don't even ASK about the #7 BOOMER ESIASON, #33 ALONZO MOURNING, or my MARK MALONE jerseys. cursed, i tell you.

I should buy a Peyton Manning jersey, that'll guarantee that the Colts lose.

I wanna buy a jersey of some third-string guy. That way, i'm the ONLY one who has it. If i ever see the guy at a game, you know he's gonna say something because i'm the ONLY one with his jersey. Where do you buy a #33 Russell Stuivants jersey? We'll start the bandwagon.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

All i want is to relax on the couch. But instead, i'm surrounded by the pure evil of my two cats. Oh, they look calm and relaxed now, but wait until i leave and they get after the Christamas tree.

I can't even sit on the couch without being surrounded by black cats!

First snow of the year! Guess the neighbor kids went sledding before i took the picture.