
Thursday, August 31, 2006


RALLY MONKEY is a huge APA fan.

Up-and-coming singer JOSH HOGE came to the KISS studios for a little meet-n-greet. As you can tell, Josh is not a short guy! His new song is called "360". Very good stuff!

Josh is a smart man, and he realizes the power of the "rally monkey". So Josh made sure to visit the monkey while he was visiting.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More Keggers photos from our game with Applebees!

I'm headed to the plate as Huxta scores.

The Rally Monkey hangs out with Bob Hauer from WHP580.

Carrie, Rally Monkey and I in the dugout during the game

Thursday, August 24, 2006

It's a big night for KEGGERS SOFTBALL! Tonight we're playing the gang from Applebee's in a celebrity-filled extravaganza! FYI: a serious thanks to Applebees! They contributed $50 to the FOUR DIAMONDS FUND for every run we scored. IT was a nail-biting 18-17 victory for the Keggers, as the TYING RUN was thrown out at home plate for the final out! What a game!

How celebrity filled was this game? That's the world famous Dan Steele from WHP580 coaching first base for the Keggers! RJ Harris (a real, big-time radio personaliy, unlike yours truly, was also in attendance!)

Mike Fagan catches his breath after an "ESPN-worthy" over-the-shoulder catch in Left Field.

Ohh...bad form Hurley. dropped the left shoulder and popped this one up. I made up for it later with a 3 run home run. Yeah. Power!

Of course, the RALLY MONKEY was in attendance cheering on the Keggers! here he is, rubbing elbows with more radio royalty. That's right folks, the voice you know and's Bob Hauer!

Rally Monkey surveys the scene as the Keggers Defense makes a stand.

Me and my monkey!

more celebrity sightings. the one and only MIKE MENDEZ returns to the Keggers! What the hell is the monkey looking at?

Again...the "product placement" shot. Vault. woooooo!

Here's the Keggers grabbing free hotdogs from the WHP 580 tent. Yum

The whole crew from APPLEBEES! Thanks guys!

The "product placement" picture has become standard for every batch of photos now. here i am, enjoyng a refresking Labatt Blue LIGHT at Jason and Nikki's house over the weekend. I should be getting paid for this!

SAVE PLUTO! It's a real planet! go to and make your voice heard!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

During the recent KISS photo shoot, we all decided that i need a co-host. so here he is....

my "rally monkey" is the new afternoon co-host on KISS FM. I decided to take him out on the town last night for our club night at Legends.

My monkey and I. Yes, i'm wearing an "autobot" t-shirt. if you don't know what that means, then you and i shouldn't be friends. i was looking for a Decepticon t-shirt, but you can't be choosy when you're shopping at Salvation Army. i love paying 50 cents for a shirt.

The monkey with Jilly. I guess he likes beer. since i didn't have any, he hung with her instead.

He's a friendly monkey, and made friends with the crew sitting next to us. here he helps them build a large beer-a-mid of plastic cups.

Here goes the final cup on the beer-a-mid. How many cups did it take???

Wow...55 cups!

Monkey and the future lawyers of america celebrate the enormous beer-a-mid. immediately afterwards, the wind blew and the beer-a-mid toppled to the ground. then we played "pick up 55 beer cups"

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ellie requested some cats on the blog. here ya go!

JOANNA (no last name neccessary!) visited the KISS studios last week. The brunette girl in the middle..duh. She's a new artist from Geffen Records. Here's the whole KISS Krew posing and acting all pretty

(left to right...Carrie, Matt Meyer, Jilly, Me, Joanna, Big Mike, Gavin and Fagan.)

Here's me for my solo shot. and yes...i'm showing my Keggers-pride!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Here's another one from "take your afro to the ballgame" night. I'm swinging for the fences, but i don't think it got there. Ever since the steriods scandal, my power numbers have plummeted. Can't get good flax-seed oil anymore. So i have to rely on my god-given skills. yeah...bad luck for me.

I think i popped out to right field on this one.

For SOME reason, ellie thinks it's time to cut my hair. i think it's just crazy because i have it tied up and it's humid. Whatever...i'm not cutting it yet..i spent a year getting it this long!

Monday, August 14, 2006

The whole Kiss staff headed to Enders Photography today for "photo day". It's kinda like class picture day in high school, except we have no class. While the photographer was taking pics of the Morning Mess...we were screwing around on the other sets. Here's me and my "gangsta" pose in front of the graffiti wall.

This is why 30 year old white men should not try and act gangsta. If you're a 30-year-old white guy and regularly pose like this, or you use terms like "we gotta' hold it down for tha' sista's"...then you're lame. How lame? look at that photo...that lame.

All the photo outtakes are posted at under the CAUGHT ON CAMERA link. silly stuff. I don't know who had more fun, the kiss staff or the photographer.

wait til you see the finished photos in a few weeks. At one point, i was dressed up with a stuffed monkey. yeah funny. but not as funny as the "big hair photo" i took at the end. i found a bottle of Aqua Net hairspray, and decided to see how big i can make my 'fro. Pretty big, apparently. hahaha.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Here's a new batch of photos from our housewarming party.

Me and my new best friend. This is my beer fridge. I think it's about 40 years old. It weighs as much as a 1978 Buick. It uses genuine 1960's technology and freon to cool beer to -120 celcius. we actually turned a case of Sam Adams into Cherry Wheat Slushies because we had it turned up too high. yes, the interior is pink. it's an absolute beast. i love it.

Jilly can't even look directy at it, she's overwhlemed by the sheer majesty of the beer fridge.

Sketch and Coley cozy up

Another action-shot from our beer pong game. notice the delicate arc of the pink ping-pong ball as it gracefully flies towards the cup.

Here's more photos from February's party at the cabin


Taz makes a move on ellie. hahahaha. smooch!

you can NEVER win a staredown with a boxer.

Sketch gave me a new batch of photos from the weekend at the cottage. Here ya go!

So here's the game. Take a few dozen clamshells and throw them as far as you can into the lake. Oh, and drink at the same time.

there goes another clam shell into the watery depths. FYI: i am not a member of the Underground staff. i don't even know what the "underground" is. i bought that at Salvation Army.

James is laughing at my pitiful throw

Apparently, it's still funny.

James does a good job with product placement. Nice shot of the logo.

Here's the group photo before we all headed home.

No question about it...England has better road signs than the US.

What would it be like if you had a shaved head, and then just stopped cutting your hair. Imagine if you went an entire year before you trimmed it again. Well, you'd go from looking like this...

To looking like this...

Friday, August 11, 2006

i think its kinda cool that i own somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000 CD's. However, there is a downside of owning too many CD's. At work today, i came across an old Nine inch Nails song that i wanted. so i came home and started looking on iTunes. Found it. ok, but i KNOW i have this CD somewhere in the house. rather than spend the .99 cents, i spent an hour digging thru the CD's, trying to find it. No luck. Not in the basement, not in the office...nowhere. in the end, i bought the song off iTunes. so i was a dollar poorer AND i wasted an hour. blah. I'm sure that CD will miraculously appear tomorrow.