
Friday, March 30, 2007

Hit the gym again last night, as i try to get back into the flow. Amazing how a little cold can completely mess up your routine for two weeks. ugh. Was really glad to get back in there again last night, and this time i didn't almost die. not dying is always a plus.


In other news..i did my taxes this week: here's my open letter to Lower Paxton Township

My dear Lower Paxton township,

I'm writing this letter to you in regards to my upcoming local taxes. I was unaware that you charged TWO percent, instead of ONE percent like your neighbor Susqhuehanna Twp. Thanks to that difference, i must now write out a rather large check to you in the form of local taxes.

While this small oversight is in NO way your fault, i did want to ask a simple question...If you're going to charge TWO percent, can you you at least remove the snow from my street sooner than 48 hours after a snowstorm? I know it's a little pushy, but bounding through enormous drifts as i attempt to make my way to work is an inconvenience on my part. I hope we can come to some sort of agreement on this.

Thanks for taking the time to pick up my recycling and trash, doing a great job there...except for that one time...but we'll let that slide.

Also, please update your maps....i don't want to see another police car come careening down my street, only to discover that it's now a dead-end. Look out for the cops, please. they're working hard, and crashing into the barrier at the end of my street isn't gonna make their jobs any easier.

Thanks again...please don't spend ALL my money in one place. Unless it's the god-awful potholes on my street. Then it's cool if you spend it all


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It's been 10 days since i came down with this cold. ALMOST over it now...but the lingering cough is, umm...lingering. Still, i figured it was time to head back to the gym tonight. Well...THAT was a treat.

I stretched a little bit, then headed over to the bench press. Tossed a 45 pound plate on each side (like normal) and went to work....


it felt like i had 300 pounds on the bar. i thought it was gonna land on my head! haha. So i put the bar back up...sheepishly pulled the 45 pound plates off and put on 35....and resumed lifting.

ugh...just another reason to hate being sick.

Monday, March 26, 2007

i haven't updated y blog in about 2 weeks. why?

1). i'm lazy
2). i've been sick and can't ditch this stupid cold
3). things have been up.

so's a picture of the FM97 studio. ooooh...ahhhh.. pretty colors...

cool stuff coming soon i hope. :)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's the weekend before St patrick's day. That means it's time to bust out my green and head north to Scranton for Parade Day 2007. It's kinda like Mardi Gras meets St. Patricks Day meets a nascar infield party. Needless to say, it's worth traveling back for. haha. Headed up to Opie's place and hit the town!

All "greened" up and ready to head out at 11am. Yeah, they start early. The party actually starts at 6am, but i've got NO desire to see the inside of a bar at 6am. I'm older and mature now..i wait til lunchtime before grabbing a beer.

Ok, i wait til 11:40am to have a beer. C'mon! It's parade day! I'm allowed to start a little early.

Here's the inside of Mert's at 11:40am. Yep. It's PACKED. The bar next door had a line that wrapped around the block. It's really a crazy party.

After a couple of hours here...someone fell through the window. Yeah...and yet it didn't seem to alarm anyone. I guess things like this just happen on parade Day. Rumor has it that one of our friends slipped and fell into the window, causing it to break. I can't confirm this...but it seems likely. haha.

Headed over to Flashbacks at about 1:30. A tad crowded here too! We spent about 2 hours here...and i spent 30 minutes of that time waiting in line for the men's room. If i'm paying 10 bucks in cover charge, there should be more bathrooms! haha. (FYI...HALF the money i spent on saturday went directly to cover charges.)

Headed next door for pizza at about 3-ish. Opie, Lenny and Gibbie stole the last few pieces of pizza while i waited 20 minutes in line for the men's room. Yes...a 20 minute line for the bathroom in a PIZZA PLACE! I'm gonna bring in 100 porta-potties next year and charge people 2 dollars to use them. I'll make a freakin' fortune.

Headed over to NJ's for a few minutes after lunch. Lindsay and Lenny are trying to ignore the crazy people behind them who kept building a pyramid of empty beer cans, and then knocking it over by mistake. Also...there needs to be a rule about whistles at bars. Whoever decided to give a bunch of drunk guys little plastic whistles should be shot. There were at least 4 or 5 of these guys at every club...and they'd blow their whistles for ANYTHING. mucho annoying.

Here's the whole crew at NJ's doing a quick toast! Notice that none of us are stupid drunk? that's because of the turtles on my beads. They were our reminder to "drink slowly...the day is long". Anytime someone started to drink too fast, we'd show them the turtles. It seemed to work well, and made us laugh.

Tink's was our final stop of the afternoon ('s still afternoon...this is the inside of the club at 445pm). Did i mention that it was crazy? Every single room at Tink's was packed. Even the back stairwell was full.

After this, we suddenly realized the following things:

1). we were really hungry
2). our legs were really tired
3). we were sick of waiting in line for the men's room.
4). people around us were getting a little too crazy and drunk...and that never ends well. haha.

besides, we're the old guys now. so we headed to McDonald's for a bite, then back to the house to kick back, nap and watch some basketball.

can't wait for parade day 2008! only 364 days to go!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Last Friday, we headed out to the Exxon on Oregom Pike to give away thousands of dollars in free gas. Needless to say, lots of people showed up. Here's the photographic proof.

Chatting with listeners as they wait in line for their fill-up.

On the air with a young FM97 fan.

Awww....she's so happy to talk on the air.