
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

FRIDAY NIGHT i headed north to broadcast from the WORKS. Woo woo! Love this place. I've been there two weeks in a row. This time i was promoting "Jimmies Chicken Shack" who were playing live.

Yup yup...thats where i was.

i am FAR too happy to be talking on the mic. wow. what the hell kind of smile is that? it's like Jim Carrey.

So Jimmy, tell me about this "chicken shack" that i've heard so much about...

Don't make fun of me JIMMY! I'm not one to be trifled with! (damn...i look mad). Not sure why...this was fun! haha

Friday, July 27, 2007

Sometimes i forget that people actually "listen" to what i'm doing on the radio. I know, it sounds crazy...but when i'm yapping on the mic or making a commerical, i forget that thousands upon thousands of people actually hear these things.

last night Aaron, D Murph and I decided to stop in at Molly's (on chestnut street in lovely downtown lancaster) for a beer. The bartender wasn't aware that I worked at FM97.

Molly's has a commercial that plays on our station, and he started impersonating the commercial. If you've heard know there's a "drunken idiot" in the commercial who's using cheap pick-up lines. So the bartender starts doing the impression of that.


It's the first time i've ever heard someone do an impression of me, doing an impression of a wierd, drunk guy! haha.

Easily, a top-ten moment of the year for me. loved it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Woke up early this morning (6:45! ugh) for an appearance at the Fractured Prune in E-Town. Thank GOD i was appearing at a donut/coffee shop. If i had to appear at a car dealership at 8am, it would be ugly for everyone.

Needless to say, we're giving away an iPhone. In case you forget, here's a handy sign to remind you.

Here is the ACTUAL iPhone. Yes, i've touched an iPhone. It was something of a religous experience...i may not wash my hands again. I suggested that we hire security guards to escort the iPhone to different locations...but apparenlty that idea was shot down. Instead, i stood next to the table for 2 hours and gave everyone the "don't touch the iPhone" glare.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Saturday morning we strapped on the backpacks, laced up the boots and headed for the Appalachain Trail in Wind Gap, PA.

Here i am, just hanging out before the hike. Apparently the sign CAN safely hold 165 pounds.

Sketch, Me, Christa, James, Walker and baby Elizabeth get ready to hit the trail for 9 miles of fun.

Yes, i said BABY Elizabeth. She's a year old, but she's already a hiking veteran!

So, why do we carry heavy packs over rock-filled terrain in hot weather? For views like this one on Wolf's Rocks. wow. you could see 10 or 15 miles from up here...if not more. just amazing.

Christa whispers in my ear "aren't you deathly afraid of heights?"

Sketch strikes a pose on the rocks. yes, we rock!

A turkey vulture joined us on the rocks. he was also impressed with the view.

After a bunch of crying and whining, we decided to stop for a lunch break. No...Elizabeth wasnt crying, it was the rest of us!

Here's our second sighting of actual woodlands creatures. See the brown spot out there? thats a deer.

4 hours of climbing over rocks like this was pretty tiring. Apparently Pensylvania is made entirely of small, sharp rocks.

Wooooo..9 miles and 4 hours later we emerged into Wind Gap for some well-deserved rest, followed by chicken wings and beer!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You think i should UPDATE this once in a while? yeah..i've been slacking. ever since i took over as Webmaster at the station i've been living on THAT website. so it's getting the bulk of my time. You can see the fruits of my labor at


Sunday, July 01, 2007

Headed to Allentown this weekend to celebrate Jess's birthday party. This was the first time i'd seen her new place. Yes, she has a SLIDE on her deck. simply put...this is the greatest deck ever.

We all kick back and enjoy the sunshine.

Sketch takes a break from the sunshine and enjoys a beer

Her next door neighbor has an enormous train set in the backyard! I waited all day for him to walk out and fire it up. sadly, he never did. :(

Tonight's festivities brought to you by Yuengling Lager.

james fired up the grill (literally at one point, when it seemed to catch on fire!)

We took about 3 hours to get the pong table set up in the carport.

Mo' pong in the carport

Jen lays the smackdown on James.

Sketch and sam take their turns at pong.

An action shot!

james makes contribution to the pile for recycling. Why did we put it in the tree house? I don't know.

I risked life and limb to take more recyclables up to the tree house.

James shows off his pong form

You know...that spill DOES look like a little dinosaur!

Jen and Jess share the love.

Me, being cheesy

Relaxing after a long night!

What? it's just a two foot cock. nothing unusual here.