
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It's finally done! After an hour or so of paperwork and signing, the house is ours! OK, technically it still belongs to the mortgage company for the next 30 years or so, but you get the idea. We headed over tonight and walked through the place. So many ideas, so little time (and money). Can't wait to get the walls painted and our new furniture into the place. It's kinda scary, because i've never owned anything remotely this expensive! Actually, if you add up the cost of both cars, the motorcycle, drumset and various other crap i own, it still isn't HALF the cost of a house. ugh. stress stress stress....

Monday, February 27, 2006

While we were in England over the weekend, we went out for dinner with the family. My mother-in-law ordered lobster, but then changed her order after my brother-in-law asked "are the lobsters killed humanely?" the waitress told him "they're thrown into a pot of boiling water", and then she did an impression of the lobster being thrown in! haha. classic. she even did a little sound effect. hahahahaha.... freakin' classic. you don't get comedy like that at Red Lobster. regardless, my mom-in-law changed her order to the more humanely killed "tuna".

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Opening my Christmas present from my in-laws (a few months late). Damien and Angela bought us a batch of cool little things, and Damien included a can of Kronenberg Lager for me. haha.

Wow. it looks like a bomb went off in the apartment. We're boxing the place up for the big move. I didn't realize i had SOOOOO many pictures.

Hangin' with Simi

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Silly Jilly, Me, Bo Bice, Fagan and Big Mike backstage.

Me and Bo in one more pose in the KISS studio. i sound relaxed today? I am. STAR from J'makin Me Tan stopped by the studio today. I'd never had a real massage before, but i think i'm hooked. I feel at peace with the world...ahhh...feel the zen.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

After about 20 hours of playing, I've finally beaten HALF LIFE on my playstation. This couldn't happen a minute too soon for my wife. I'm sure she's sick and tired of sitting through my 4-5 hour gaming sessions. Now the house will be quiet in the evening, instead of being filled with the sounds of explosives and screaming aliens. I'm not sure what to do now. All the rest of my PS2 games are buried somewhere in a box in the guestroom. We're packing up the whole house in preparation for the move. I guess i'll have to bug the guys at work to loan me some games, or else i'll have withdrawl symptoms. No PS2 for three weeks? I don't think i'd be a happy Jeffrey. No sir. You know what else sucks? I have most of Monday off, and now i'll have to pack instead of playing games all afternoon. Man, i should have planned this better!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Basckstage after the Bo Bice concert at Dragonfly.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Bo in tha' studio

SIlly Jilly, Bo and me

Bo Bice from American Idol was in the KISS Studio today. I got sit and chat with him for a while. There's more pics coming soon, and we'll post the interview on 993KISSFM.COM very shortly.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Wow. Just got thru one set of illnesses, and now it seems like another round coming on! I was able to get together with some friends over the weekend, and now we're all coming down with the flu. great. Still, it was fun to see time i'm wearing a surgical mask! Here's some photos from the weekend:

Wrestling with boxers!

Enjoying some eggs and salsa for breakfast.

Wearing Coley's hat.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

And so the packing the begins! Slowly, the apartment is filling up with boxes. I didn't know we owned this much crap! I think it's time for a rummage sale. The cats keep crawling into the boxes. It's only a matter of time until one of them gets duct-taped inside a box. That'll make moving easier! (yes, i know that taping our cats in a box is not a PETA approved technique).

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Big Ben: Superbowl winning quarterback and official PIMP! This is why Ben's the coolest QB in the league. Tom Brady? hooks up with Tara Reid. Donovan McNabb? Hangs with mom in soup commercials. Ben? Throws on a "drink like a champion today" t-shirt that looks like it was on the floor of a dorm room and get loaded with some saucy co-eds! It's Ben-a-riffic!

I'd also like to point out that Ben is partying in the basement of a house in these pics. Yeah. He's not in some fancy club droppin' bills on Champagne, he's tossin' back shots at a frat party. He can throw more picks than Brett Favre next year and he's still my favorite QB. classic.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I've mentioned that my apartment is like a Hard Rock Cafe. Everything is autographed (except the platinum plaques).

Here's what i'm talking about.

Left to Right, starting on the top row:
Third Eye Blind
Counting Crows

2nd row:
Jars Of Clay
The Verve Pipe
Ashlee Simpson

3rd Row:
3 Doors Down
Papa Roach
Nine Days

Left to Right:

American Idols (Bo Bice and Carrie Underwood)
Simple Plan
Ja Rule
Kanye West
Smash Mouth
Green Day

Plaques above the couch, Left to Right.

Smash Mouth
Sheryl Crow

Did the Steelers play like crap? YES. Did they benefit from some wierd-ass calls from the officials? YES. Did Big Ben finally look like a 2nd year quarterback instead of a 10 year veteran? YES. Does it matter anymore? NO.

For the first time, i can warmly bask in the glow of a Stillers' championship. Yes, they've won two others in my lifetime (78 and 79), but i wasn't able to adequately celebrate them from my stroller and crib.

OK, here's the rule..if you weren't cheering for the Steelers after they lost three in a row this year, you're not allowed back on the bandwagon. I've been here for 25 years, and i'm not giving up my seat. I have the MARK MALONE, BARRY FOSTER and KORDELL STEWART jerseys to prove my long-term commitment. This also proves my theory that i can ruin a player's career, just by purchasing his jersey. (hence, you'll never see me wearing one again!).

This has been the best sports year of my life. Steelers win, Penn State has a great year and Tony Stewart wins the NASCAR title. couldn't be much better. Maybe if the Penguins didn't suck or the Yankees would win a few more I'd be set, but i'm comfortable with this.

Go Steelers!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Anybody got any shrubs they want to get rid of? no..i'm serious. we need shrubs. Our new house has a great hedgerow on the right side, but the left side just has a nasty lookin' chain link fence. yuk. not that i don't wanna' see my neighbors, but i want enough privacy so i can jog naked in the backyard (c'mon, it's brisk). here's what i need. a shrubbery (the monty python reference is completely intentional). I'll just wait til some of my neighbors go on vacation, then i'll go on a shrub hunt. free=good.

Jason from the MORNING MESS was thinking about getting rid of some of his shrubs, but i don't think i can get a bunch of 9 foot tall trees into my jeep.

Since we did the house inspection last night, we've been making non-stop plans for the house. Aside from the wallpaper, it's a great place. I'm not sure how long i can stand to look at the walls though. i may have to keep the lights off for the first couple weeks. haha.

Reason #29 why i can't WAIT to get out of my apartment: The upstairs neighbor is apparently teaching a group of elephants to tap-dance tonight. how the hell can ONE person make so much noise!?!?!? I think she wears clogs when she gets home in the evening. On my last day here, i swear i'm gonna turn the stereo up to full volume and just leave it on ALL day.

FYI: The Fort Minor CD kicks ass. i FINALLY got my copy today. yay. this will make working out MUCH more fun tonight. i'll be cranking that on the elliptical.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

We did our home inspection tonight. Woohoo! The process of home-buying hits it's stride now. It's pretty nerve wracking going through the house and looking for every little problem. luckily, the house is in really good shape. there's only one minor problem....the wallpaper! apparently, 1971 exploded all over the walls in this house. that's gonna be a little bit of work, but it's worth it. such a cool little house. we already tried to figure out where everything is gonna go. only 6 weeks until the housewarming party! woooo!!!!!