
Thursday, March 31, 2005

My pinky finger is now 15 shades of purple. yummy. the last time i broke something, i don't remember it being this colorful. if i was 8 years old, this kind of thing would impress my friends. Who am i kidding? my friends would still be impressed by that.

Typing has proven to be difficult though. i;ve got my pinky and ring finger taped together. it's like typing with a flipper!

We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner last night. Got one of those cravings for pancakes, and had to get some! MMMM...i'm a sucker for breakfast food at 8pm.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

What started as a night of harmless fun turned into a savage assault on the staff of KISS-FM. Miller, Matt Steal and I were out throwing the football around after work last night. I threw it, it hit matt's hand and deflected...hitting miller in the face. funny. A few minutes later, Matt kicks the ball and hurts his foot. still funny. Then i went to catch it and broke my pinky. not funny. The lesson here? Don't play football.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Well, a wild and crazy weekend it was! Wifey tore it up with her girls in Erie while i headed back to my old stomping grounds in Wilkes-Barre. It's kinda scary...i haven't lived there in 5 years, and haven't visited in 4 years. But when i walked into the bar, i heard someone yell my name! freaky....

Still, it was fun to see the old crew. I missed out on the Backstreet Boys show, but i'm sure i'll have another chance someday.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Woowoo! Weekend's here. looks like a quiet one. went out for a few drinks last night, so tonight will be a little more low-key.

Headed to the driving range to hit a bucket of balls after i get off the air. Haven't pulled out the golf clubs in about a year, so this could be interesting! I'm not a great golfer, but it's the best way to blow off an entire afternoon. I gold left-handed, so i usually end up playing on the opposite side of the fairway as my right-handed friends. i only get to talk to them when we're teeing off! haha.

Might head to Scranton tomorrow night for a concert. All right, i'll admit's a backstreet boys show. i know, but the tickets are free...and it might be interesting. besides, i haven't been back there since i moved away five years ago. I might even run into my old boss, THAT could be fun!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Well, the wifey is off to visit her friends in Erie for the weekend. When she leaves, we call it "jeffy-palooza". She assumes that i throw wild parties with strippers and gambling, but i actually sit around and play PS2. Maybe I'll finally beat PITFALL this weekend.

I did finish burning my CDs onto the hard drive of my computer. What a project! I found SO MUCH CRAP! no wonder my wife wants me to throw half of them away. I was so happy to find my copy of REANIMATION by LINKIN PARK. It's been lost since we moved to Harrisburg in December. I almost bought a new copy. But luckily i can save my ten dollars and put it towards something useful (maybe three beers!)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Last night, i started a VERY involved project. I'm burning the majority of my CD's onto hard drive. Sounds easy? oh no... I've been in radio for about 15 years (started when i was 14!!), so i own 2000+ CD's. Half of them are crap, but it still takes forever to go thru 'em all! I did find a few REAL stinkers. Can't believe i had Backstreet Boys and Cher! I even found one called PURE DISCO! My wife actually took that one from me, she likes that stuff. In the end, i went through 7 boxes, 1 book and an entire tower of CD's. I still have more, so that'll keep me busy for the next couple of days!

So, AMERICAN IDOL is on, and here i am online! i'm so predictable. It's night #2 of my CD burning project. I've got a stack of CD's a foot tall next to me. They shake back and forth when i type on here. i'm just minutes from disaster. One sneeze, and they'll all come down!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Another exciting weekend is in the books. My parents drove down and stayed with us this weekend. That's always fun. We toured the city, visited relatives, ate food, etc... I don't know why, but i'm always exhausted after they visit. you'd think that i'd be very relaxed, but i guess not. It doesn't help that my dad just lost hearing in one ear! I have to walk to his left side to tell him anything. When he cranks up the TV, my neighbors can probably hear it! haha. Oh well, it's just a temporary problem.

Did you survive St Patties Day? It was crazy for everyone here at the station. Matt took his camera phone out and got some blackmail photos. Did you take any good ones? If so, email 'em to me and i'll stick 'em up on the website. the email is

Friday, March 18, 2005

I would best describe our St. Patricks Day party as "a drunken barn dance". Went to the FireHouse for dinner (mmm...trout). Then rolled over to Molly Branigans. Finally made our way out to O'Reiley's. All that fun, and i still managed to get to bed by midnight! It was funny this morning, becasue everyone at our 8:30am meeting looked a little dodgey.

I've got a raspy voice from yelling and being in smokey bars all night. It helps at work! I sound better on the radio after a night out! I went out three times during the week. It's like i'm 22 again and hitting the clubs every night. haha. Don't worry, it won't happen next week..i promise!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Ahhh. St. Patties Day! Everyone's out partying and pretending to be Irish . I'm still tired from going out last night. We rolled out to Bube's with some friends. What a cool place! I wish it was closer! Got home pretty late, so i'm dragging a little today. I need to be careful, Matt and his camera phone are coming with us tonight. i swear, if you want blackmail photos of someone, get a cameraphone. I need one of them! Maybe an IPod then a camera phone.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

DREAM BIKE! I need to work out an endorsement deal with Big Dog motorcycles. Ya' know, give me this bike, and i'll pimp your bikes! Seems fair to me! Posted by Hello

So, have you noticed that i always update my blog while American Idol is on? I didn't realize i was so predictable until one of my friends pointed it out. Ryan Seacrest's voice must inspire me to write. Thats gotta' be it.

I have a thing for alligators. this is from ALVIN'S ISLAND in Panama City. Posted by Hello

This is where we used to live (Panama City,FL). Ellie and i met here. I worked here from 2000-2002.  Posted by Hello

Monday, March 14, 2005

Hope your weekend was fun! We spent most of the weekend with friends. First off, an apology to anyone who was offended by our rowdy table at happy hour friday night. I'm sure MATT STEAL captured the lunacy on his spiffy camera phone. Here's a few phrases that are only funny to people who attended happy hour this week:

- Bob

- Feeding the Ducks

haha! see, you weren't don't get it. but trust me, it was funnier than a clown on fire.

Spent all afternoon on Sunday watching the race. Yes, I'm a NASCAR fan. My driver (20!) did good. My friends and I all wager (legally) on the outcome of the races, and I had a good week. My friends stopped by the house and we watched the cars go 'round and 'round. Needless to say, i never left the couch. So much for that healthy walk i was planning on taking. I better hurry up, swimsuit season is almost here! haha.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Did you give up anything for lent this year? I have a friend who gave up beer. hmmm. I don't think i've got that much willpower! I know people who have given up chocolate, sweets, drinking, etc.... doesn't seem like a good thing to me, guess i'm glad i'm not catholic.

Looking forward to another exciting weekend. Happy hour with the whole crew tonight. Should be fun. I'm at the mall tomorrow morning for the MDA Stride-n-Ride event. I don't enjoy getting up at 7am on a saturday, but it's for a good cause. Just be warned...Wait until i have my coffee before you talk to me tomorrow morning, i'm grumpy before my java!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

A quick THANKS to everyone who has stopped by the BLOG and read my thoughts. The web counter keeps going up, and i know my mom isn't visiting the site THAT often. If you're here, I'd love an email from you.

Earlier, i said that we need to start a section of the page called "people who listen to my show". I'd just put up pictures and names of people who admit to listening to me!! The list would be pretty short. Still would be fun.

Last night, my favorite TV show (Biker Build-Off) was in Panama City, FL. I lived there for about 2 years. It was crazy watching them ride bikes past the places that i used to work and play. This is the 2nd show this season that's been in a town where i lived. A few weeks ago they rode through Elmira, NY which is right up the road from my parent's house! How come these things never happen while i'm still living there??? Oh well, GIRLS GONE WILD was in Panama City, so i'm probably in the background of a few of them (note: i kept my shirt on..)

It's the vote-em-off edition of Idol tonight...ahh, the suspense. You can always tell when IDOL in on, because my wife hijacks the TV and I'm online. Hey, it's a good chance to Blog. Speaking of BLOGS, if you've got one, let's link up. Send me your address!

That's it for now...have a good one!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Me in Erie. This was move-out day from our old house. We moved to H-burg in December. The truck was the U HAUL OF DOOM! it broke down SO much. grrrrr. If i ever see this truck driving down the road, i'll try to push it into a ditch! Posted by Hello

Rob (the TV weatherman!) loves his chili! mmm..mmm..mmm...  Posted by Hello

Michael, Michael, Michael...things aren't looking good for the King O' Pop. I think he's crazy, but i remember when i was a kid and he was the biggest thing on earth. Between him and Martha Stewart, i don't think FOX NEWS has covered another story. As long as it's "fair and balanced" between the two, that's fine.

Remember a few days ago when i bought PITFALL for my PS2? OK, I'm hooked. Ellie is now a playstation widow. I think i've spent 7 hours playing the game so far. I better beat it quick, or else she'll toss the playstation out the window. I'm stuck right now, can't get past one stage.

Monday, March 07, 2005

grrr....did a great Blog, and then my computer dumped it. this is what i get for downloading too much asian porn. (side note: that's what i blame EVERY computer problem on, i'm not really downloading asian porn at the office).

So i heard NBC promoting their new reality show as a "human drama". good call, i'm sick of the words REALITY SHOW. there's certain phrases that make me cringe:

" reality show"
" hilton was quoted as saying"
"...honey, the guys from work are on the phone"
", your jeep is making a funny noise"

just a few things that make me cringe.

So, how was your weekend? We finally got out and walked! Went about 3 miles around downtown and city island on sunday. felt so good to be outside after being cooped up in the house that last couple of weeks.

Did i mention that i'm a metro-sexual? My wife let me loose in Kohl's yesterday. Mistake. I even got a new video game (Pitfall! boo-yah!)

Now it's like the first day of school...i busted out all the new clothes today. it's back to being a scrub tomorrow, but i feel like a king today!

email me if you're reading this, it's the least you can do.


Saturday, March 05, 2005

Ellie seems to think that me and the boys were out at the bar before the wedding... obviously, it's not true. look at the picture and you can clearly see that we were holding up someone else's beers while they took a picture.  Posted by Hello

Rockstar is the bike that Jesse built on Discovery channel. Think the wifey will let me trade my Kawasaki for this? either! haha.  Posted by Hello

One of my new favorite bike builders is Jesse Rooke. He's based out of Phoenix. Crazy Stuff. I love the bike he did for Biker Build-Off. This is an older bike that he built.  Posted by Hello

Ahhhh...what a relaxing Saturday. I was thinking about meeting Sketch and James for a run to Cabela's, but it didn't happen. Instead, i ended up hanging with Mendez and his dad at Damon's. Had a cheeseburger and a couple beers, then it was naptime. note: naptime was AFTER i got home, if u nap at Damon's, they'll toss you out.

Looking forward to a nice walk along the river tomorrow. we still don't have our bikes ready to go. once we do, youll see us all over the bike trails!

Speaking of bikes, i spent half the morning watching BIKER BUILD-OFF on Discovery Channel and surfing online for motorcycle parts. I want a new bike, but probably won't get one for another year or two. Once you get married, you suddenly have to save my money for other things (i.e. A HOUSE!). This is the worst time of year for motorcycles, because it's still too cold to ride, but it looks warm outside. Some guys are really hardcore and will be out riding this weekend, but i'll wait til it's a little warmer.

Did i mention that it's almost spring? The cats are going crazy already. last night, they climbed up on the washing machine and turned it on. I got woke up at 5am by the spin cycle....grrrr

These are the yahoos that i hang with. Except for that guy on the left in the blue checkered shirt...he just stuck his head in. Posted by Hello

Friday, March 04, 2005

Wrestling with gators in naples, florida! Posted by Hello

As a big-time radio DJ, i get to hang with A-list celebrities. Goofy and I were kickin' it at Mickey's place before we went out to the bars in South Beach. Please note the sarcasm...Posted by Hello

For ages, we haven't been able to find the cord that connects my old laptop to the internet. Last night, i looked behind the TV, and there it was! (i'm blaming the cats for hiding it there). Anyway, we're able to upload all the photos from that computer now! woo hoo! I'll add a few over the next couple of days.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Got our taxes done tonight. It's the worst thing, because you're HOPNG that you get $3000 in refunds, but you usually get a lot less, if any. I told my friends that i would either be VERY happy tomorrow or VERY angry, depending how much we got back. As it turns out, I'm pretty happy. I won't be buying a new Benz, but the credit card is gonna get paid. If VISA is happy, I'm happy.

Noticed that WILD THINGS 3 is on TV tonight. 3??? When did this happen???? I didn't even realize there was a WILD THINGS 2! The original is still the best. Denise Richards in an Oscar worthy performance...can't believe the Academy snubbed her. She IS single again...maybe there's hope for WILD THINGS 4.

Tomorrow night is Happy Hour. This is a new thing for me. For some reason, we got hooked on Happy Hour when we moved to H-burg. We never did this in Erie, but we do it every week now! The girls at Kokomo's probably know us by name. Poor Kelly had to put up with us last week. I'm sure she'll take Friday night off this week so she doesn't have to deal with us. It's Matt Steal's fault! He got a new camera phone, and had to try it out. there's probably a few blackmail pictures from last friday night. haha.

Had one of those moments today....a girl called me and requested a song. then she mentioned something about mansfield university. i'm thinking "how the hell does she know i went to mansfield??" then it dawned on me that i have a complete bio on the KISS website at . i forget that people actually read this stuff and remember it.

Funny moment on IDOL last night....Seacrest (he has no first name) opens the show, and about 30 seconds later, he boots Celena off. No build-up, no drama...BANG she's gone. Whoever decided to cut the results show down to 30 minutes is a certified genius. Ellie claims the TV for the 2 1/2 hours each week that Idol is on, so i'm glad they shortened it down. I don't hate IDOL, but i hate that it's longer than most relationships that i've had. ugh. that doesn't say much for my past relationships, does it?

Also on the tubelast night, Iron Chef America. I'm probably one of the top-5 IRON CHEF fans on Earth, but the Amercian Version just isn't quite as cool. I think the bad dubbing and wierd-ass ingredients make the Japanese version better. C'mon....watching two Japnese guys in silk pajamas wrestle with live squid is GREAT television.

as always, i'm on email at , go ahead and use it.


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Georgie! Apparently she's just opened her birthday present. She walked into the radio station in Erie and i ended up taking her home. Now she tears up our house. In case you didn't notice, we have matching black cats...just different color collars. If they take off their collars, we can't tell 'em apart! Posted by Hello

My wife already knows this...but i'd addicted to the Internet. This BLOG is the worst thing that could have happened to me. I expect my productivity at work to drop off..a lot. It seems so quiet today... All week we've had snowstorms-of-doom blowing through, and now it's just cold. When there's a storm, it gets crazy here at the station, becasue of all the closings and cancellations. Much more calm today...ahhhh, feel the zen.

Speaking of the internet, i need to upload more photos to the blog. We've got a batch on our digital camera. Stupid stuff, really. I didn't promise this web page would be full of Nobel-prize-winning thoughts and commentary. Mostly just random stuff that's too stupid for me to say on the radio. I'll dig around and see if i can't find another cool photo or two. Maybe a photo of my cats? hmmm

as always...shoot me an email if you're reading this... i'll post yer' stuff, just email it to me. recipes, photos, whatever. entertain me at i've got email in the studio, so i'll get it ASAP.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Had enough snow yet? W.T.F???? I thought i got rid of this weather when i moved out of Erie. Not that I'm bitter, but i despise the snow. It was fun as a kid, it's not now...period. The most fun is getting the snow off the top of my Jeep. I've got a soft-top, so once I'm rolling down the road i punch the inside of the roof. Snow goes flying up in the air and the wind takes it right off. Probably upsets the guy behind me on the road, but it's mucho fun.

Speaking of mucho fun...have you heard this new song by Pitbull "TOMA"? we've been playing it for a little while on KISS, and i can't get enough of it! The beat makes me want to install a sub in my jeep. It thumps! I wonder what TOMA means? I should have paid attention during Spanish class. That's what i get for slacking.

Watched AMERICAN IDOL. one of my wife's friends told her that she looks like one of the we spent the whole hour trying to figure out who it was. Eventually, we figured out that it was Celene. She didn't look like my wife at all, except the hair. That was sorta' similar.

Now it's SEX AND THE CITY time. I never got into the show until recently, but it's damned good. I wouldn't sit around and watch it all weekend, but it's good "together" TV. You know...TOGETHER TV.. that's a show that both of you can stand to sit thru. BIKER BUILD-OFF is on at 10, so i KNOW she'll be bailing on the TV soon. haha.

email me sometime, you know the deal...